Are love

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School has always been hard for you especially with the bully's , You had trouble making friends that was until you met him . Yamaguchi Tadashi , he was always kind and friendly even thought he was shy around you .  You had decided to go to Karasuno , Yamaguchi was more then excited to know you would be at the same school . That summer before becoming first years was one of the best for you , your feelings for Yamaguchi had developed but you never told him due to your fear of losing him . Going to carnivals , the beach , the park your adventures as he would call them is what made your summer the best .

Your first day at Karasuno :
You woke up early to get ready , you even did your makeup . Your nerves were over taking your emotions you couldn't help but over think what today would be like . " I hope today is good ..I hope today is good " you kept repeating to yourself . You finished getting ready and left for school , you walked for about 10 minutes when you came across Yamaguchi and Tsukishima . You walked with them Tsukishima never really payed attention to you , you of course never took it to heart he just was always cold toward you .
" do you think today will be good Yamaguchi " -y/n
" I think today will be fun " - Yamaguchi
You arrived at Karasuno and made your way to find your class . Eventually you found it making your way inside you were dropped by a guy with black hair and blue eyes . He didn't care he dropped you , didn't even apologize just left to find a seat . You got up and sat close to the front , you were sure this year would the year for you . The teacher walked in and introduced himself , he made everyone introduce themself starting with the students in the front. You were scared to go up and introduce yourself your nerves took over again but this time you would not let your nerves ruin your high school reputation.
" hello everyone my name is y/n  , I hope we can get along " -y/n
You walked back to your seat letting out a heavy breath of relief , your fears and nerves vanished. The boy with the black hair and Blue eyes was up next , although he pushed you the thought of him made you blush .
" hello I'm Kageyama Tobio " - Kageyama
That's was the name of the boy Kageyama , did you really think he was cute was all you could think about . The class was very easy , you never struggled with class work so you didn't stress over perhaps failing the class . Once the day came to a end you were excited, you were going to try out for the dance squad although you were nervous you didn't care anymore your excitement took over . Dance was very easy tomorrow they would post who made it and who didn't .  You left and tried to find Yamaguchi to tell him how it went , you found him around the Volleyball gym .
" hey yams " -y/n
" who the cutie " - bald guy
" hey y/n how was dance trails " - Yamaguchi
" good I hope I make it in " -y/n
You kept smiling and then blushing when you saw him again Kageyama.
" y/n as y/n from my class " - Kageyama
" oh hello ...yes and your Kageyama " -y/n
He didn't even say anything but nod and you blushed like crazy , Yamaguchi noticed and couldn't help but be jealous his emotions taking over causing him to grab your hand and taking you out the gym although he did that he was still gentle and kind . You three walked home completely silence took over you three , Yamaguchi broke the silence and made jokes making you laugh . Your feelings increase for him with everything his does although you thought Kageyama was cute Yamaguchi felt like something you're never felt before .

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