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Pansy POV:
May 2, 1998

I am officially bored, the book I'm reading ("Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them") is not very interesting. The only reason why I am reading it, is because the Carrows have banned it, due to Newt Scamander's relationship with Muggles. Me, being a rebel, just has to piss off another one of my professors, by reading it in the middle of the Slytherin common room. I look up at a mirror and see my reflection. I have short, dark brown hair, and a pale and pointed face. I see bags under my eyes because my  eyes are tired from all of the homework I had to do in Transfiguration.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I decide to give up my small rebellion (of reading a banned book) and go take a walk to the library, where Millicent Bulstrode is doing my homework. I turn the corner and almost walk into Peeves. He is hanging from the ceiling, clearly trying to twist the chandelier loose to make it fall upon someone's head.  We take a moment to register each other, but then Peeves gives me a wide, mischievous grin.

"Oh good, it's that Parkinson girl",

he says with that stupid grin still on his face.

" I've been getting bored throwing chalk at the Carrows, so I think I'll use you as a target instead"

I can't help but smile at the thought of the Carrows being hurt by Peeves. Ever since the Carrows had me torture Dennis Creevy, I can't help but not like them. Sure, Dennis was a Mudblood, but he is innocent, and too young to be tortured for no reason.

I hate being a slave for the Carrows, but what can I do. They are very powerful, and death eaters. A wonderful idea strikes me. I look at Peeves with a small smile on my face, and say...

"I would like to make a deal"

Something in my head is telling me to STOP, but I can't, it's for the greater good.

Peeves is looking at me with a surprised expression, but the expression slowly changes to suspicion.

"If what you're looking for is a reassurance that I won't hurt the Carrows or you, than I am afraid I can not help"

He says the last part with a small smile

I look at him and a rebellious gleam in my eye starts to form.

" I want to help you. What if I tell you the password to the Carrows office."

Peeves looks at me for a long time, but than says
"You are going to have to offer more than that to get me to trust you."

My heart sinks, but then I remember where a certain "treat" lies within the castle.

"How about I give you a few puking pastilles from your favorite students, Fred and George?"

The suspicious expression on Peeves' face does not fade, and he asks

"what do you want in exchange for this valuable information?"

I stand there thinking about it for a second, but then I remember what that Potter kid did in fifth year, and I remember the faces of all my friends when we were told to actually torture first years. Nobody in my year wanted to do that, except for Crabbe and Goyal, but they don't matter.
I take a step towards Peeves and say,

"I'm sick of doing all of the Carrows dirty work, and so are all of my friends. I want you to tell them to meet me in the Slytherin common room, but please don't tell them what it's about. It's not a good idea having the whole school knowing what I'm up to."

The poltergeist nods understandingly, but the suspicious expression was not completely wiped from his face. He says slowly...

"deal, but if this is a trap..."

I cut in and say

"... it's not, But if you want proof the password to the Carrows' office is Purity , and the puking pasteles are behind the painting of the witch and the warlock on the fourth floor"

Peeves' suspicious expression goes away. A wave of relief runs through my body.

He says "I believe you, but if you break our deal, than I will never give you another day of peace"

I smile at him and nod, then I depart for the library where Millicent awaits.
A/N. Okay, this is the first chapter, I'll be updating weakly, and I hope you all enjoyed this. Thanks so much for reading 🥰

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