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"So then I was like-" Michael stopped when he heard Abby giggle. As far as he knew he wasn't saying anything funny. He looked over at her to see her eyes glued to her phone. "Babe, are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" Abby said locking her phone and glancing at him.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Mmhmn. I heard you."

"What was I saying?"

"Something about your hair?" Abby asked laughing at Michael who was frowning at her. Her phone vibrated and she unlocked it and smiled when she read what was on the screen. She typed a reply and locked her phone again.

"Who are you texting?"

"No one." She said as Luke burst out laughing, he quickly covered his mouth and smirked at Michael. He looked down at his phone and tapped the screen a few times before looking back up at Michael with an eyebrow raised.

Abby's phone vibrated again and Michael groaned. She giggled as she read the text and Michael decided to take matters into his own hands. He leaned in and started kissing her neck. She squirmed and tried to push him off but he circled his hands around his waist.

"Mikey." She said in hushed tone as she bit her lip to hold back a moan. "I'm talking to Luke and he's being cute."

Luke made a sound and Michael's head snapped up to see a red faced Luke staring at his phone. Luke looked up and quickly looked down back when he noticed Michael glaring at him. His face got even redder and he started chewing on his bottom lip.

"What did you send Luke?" Michael asked as Abby winked at Luke. He put his hand over his mouth to cover what Michael could only assume was a giggle and that got him even more worried.

"Nothing." She said tapping away at her screen. She giggled when she saw the look on Luke's face when he read it.

"Abigail." Michael warned turning in his seat so he was facing her. "What are you saying to Luke?"

"I told him I'd like to feel his lip ring on my neck." Abby said nonchalantly and Michael's eyes widened. "I just told him that it doesn't matter where I feel it. I just have to."

"You did what?!" Michael asked and instead of answering him; Abby nodded at Luke. He looked over at Michael and got up from his seat. He sat next to Abby and winked at her.

"Hi." He said flashing her a smile and playing with his lip ring.

"Hey." Abby giggled and Michael frowned and draped his arm around her shoulders. He knew they were both playing a joke on him but that did not stop him from feeling jealous. Luke knew that too; he knew how Michael got and from the look on his face, he was enjoying torturing him.

"I can do that thing if you want." Luke said to Abby but he was staring right into Michael's bright green eyes. "My room has a cool water bed."

"Luuuuuukkkkkke." Michael whined dropping his head on Abby's shoulder; she hadn't acknowledged his existence since Luke sat down. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend."

"You know what would be nice?" Abby said suddenly, turning so she was fully facing Luke and backing Michael. "A massage on a water bed."

"Or sex on a water bed." Luke smirked and Michael groaned loudly. Luke threw his head back and started laughing and Abby glared at him.

"Way to keep it going Luke. You were this close to getting a kiss." Luke's eyes widened and Michael grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her off the couch. "We'll do it later babe!" She yelled over her shoulder as Michael pulled her down the hall and too his room.

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