Part 14|| The mission Part 2

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{Y/n POV}

I see some garbage cans so I was gonna knock those down. I sent a feather and knocked both of the garbage cans. "What? Who's there?" One of the guards asked. One of them went to go check it out. When one was far from the other Hawks killed the one who was just looking at the guard who's checking who knocked the garbage cans. Dabi dealt with the other one. I came out of my hiding spot, since they told to hide. And walked to them. "Looks like that plan worked." Dabi said. "You have brains kid." Hawks says while ruffing my hair. "Yea I have something you lack." I say with a small chuckle. Dabi snorts.  "Hey, that's not nice." Hawks says. I just giggle. "Okay, so how are we gonna do this?" I asked Dabi and Hawks. "We could do more sneaky things, like what we just did." Hawks said to me and Dabi. "Is there like a vent around?" I asked. "There probably is." Dabi says. "Let's look around." I say.

Me and Hawks fly to find a vent and Dabi looks on the ground. After a while I hear a whistle. I fly to were Dabi is and he's point at something. I fly down and see a vent. Hawks soon comes after. Dabi opens the vent and tells Hawks to go in first. And then me. And...I can't get in. "Im stuck." I tell the both of them. "What do you mean stuck?" "Stuck, definition being unable to move from a particular position or place." "Yeah I know what it is, but how you stuck." Dabi says. "I think my ass is too big." *You know what they were probably blushing because of my ass, the costume was pretty tight.* "Just push me in." I say to Dabi. He uses his foot to push me in, it doesn't work. "You know what" I get out of the vent "just go in and try to find a way for me to get in." I say, shooing him away. "You sure you can handle yourself?" Dabi asked. "Please, I go to UA and in the top of my class. I know I can handle myself." I say with pride. Dabi goes through the vent. *If they really don't like each other, I hope they don't try and kill each other.*

After what seemed like hours, Hawks turns a corner. "Come" is all he says. I follow him. I see some blood all over him. He opens the front door and I see six bodies. *Damn and I didn't hear anything.* I see Dabi standing with blood on his hands. "Let's get going." Hawks said in a emotionless tone to his voice. *Something happened between them.* I walk pass the bodies almost sliping on some blood. Dabi points to a window. He opens it and climbs in the room. Me and Hawks do the same, it's an office. Dabi ducks and tells us to do the same, we do as we were told.  We get out of the office and as quietly as possible, we sneak up on 3 guys. Hawks chocks his to death, Dabi breaks the his guy's neck by twisting it, I use one of my feather to stab the guy's neck. I wipe the blood of my feather. "There should be a vault some where." Hawks said while looking around. "Maybe it's hidden?" I say looking around as well. "Oh please there not that dumb." Dabi says. "Found it" they turn to see the vault, it was behind a big painting. "You got to be fucking with me." Dabi said annyoned.

Dabi put both hands on the vault and burns through it. He makes two holes on the vault, but it isn't big enough for any of us to fit in. He then decides to make the hole bigger. "Okay were gonna have to wait a while for it to cool down." We waited around 10 minutes "It should be good now." "Who should go first?" Hawks asked. And they both looked at me. "Ah fuck you guys." I go in and... I'm stuck again. "Oh sí, debería entrar, porque tengo que joder, todo por aqui, verdad?" "What did you say?" Hawks asked. "Doesn't matter." I say annyoned. "Okay, were gonna have to push you." Dabi said, "Oh hell nah, you guys ain't gonna touch my ass." "Well we don't have any other choice." Hawks tells me, "wait", I start wiggling and get in. "Or that would work. Okay open the vault." Hawks asks me. I unlock the vault and push it open. *Damn this thing is heavy.* Dabi and Hawks help me by pulling it open. We finally got it open and Dabi and Hawks walk in. I look around and see a bunch of air drop supply crates. *Damn this a bunch of supplies.* Dabi carries two, Hawks uses his feather to carry some, I do the same as Hawks. "There should be a truck coming soon." *Wait we could of drove here, I mean it makes sense it would alert people that we are coming.* I take the supplies to the truck and after while of carrying the items and placing them in the truck, we left. I think his name twice was driving us.

We made it back to the base and entered a garage. We all unloaded the truck, after that we went back inside. The mission was complete and I was taken back to the dorms by Hawks.

[Word count: 928]

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