wedding knot

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"This is my younger daughter Pragya" , Prem introduced pragya to everyone...

"This is my younger daughter Pragya" , Prem introduced pragya to everyone

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Prachi shouts

Prachi: I like her very much

All smiles hearing her...

Prachi goes near pragya and says

Prac: to tell the truth, you deserve better not my brother...if your marriage happened then it will be like a flower in monkey's hand....

if your marriage happened then it will be like a flower in monkey's hand

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Saying she giggles...all chuckled hearing her...but pragya just stood there silently gazing the floor..

Shivanya says," don't mistake my chotti seeing her innocent face, she is just following maa's order and standing quiet"..

Prachi squeals," then it will be very fun at home after marriage"

Rag: Prachi...come here

Prachi goes and sits near her husband

Ranbir scolds her saying," won't you keep quiet atleast for sometime"

Ranbir scolds her saying," won't you keep quiet atleast for sometime"

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He turns towards bharadwaj people and says

Ra: sorry

Sim: problem our house both are chatterboxes ,so we are used to it..

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