Abhigya's marriage

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Pragya is sitting in-between many ladies with mehandi adorning in her hands and legs ..

At that time Ragini pulls abhi and made him to sit near pragya

Si: abhi beta... now you should find your name in pragya's hand..

 now you should find your name in pragya's hand

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Abhi nods and looks at her hand..and his eyes immediately fell on his name... with a proud smirk he was about to show others but stopped hearing a lady's words..

La: how much faster the groom finds his name that will show how much he will  love his wife...

Abhi then starts to act as if he is searching for his name..

Ab: I can't find

Simar's face falls...

Shi: try again abhi.

Abhi nods..

Then pragya notices abhi looking at her bangles...

Abhi's pov;
     She is wearing 31 bangles in right hand but only 30 in left hand....

Ragini nudges him, " did you find abhi"

Seeing his mother's face abhi says," haan....here"

Saying he showed his name...

Simar thanks god silently....

Then when all are eating Ragini tells abhi ...

Ra: abhi....see there pragya is sitting alone...you go and feed her..

Ab: Prachi go and give one plate to her..

Prac: but her mehandi is still wet so how can she eat herself so go and feed her ....go ...

Abhi walks near pragya and sits near her...

He forwards the spoon Infront of her mouth whereas she looks at him shocked..

Ab: see left

Pragya turns and sees their whole family watching them...she nervously smiles at them and opens her mouth...

Abhi feeds her hastily...

Pr: slowly..

Abhi glares at her...

She realises what she said and quickly looks down..

Abhi then feeds her little slowly...

At night Shivanya comes near pragya and hugs her...

At night Shivanya comes near pragya and hugs her

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