Where is pragya?

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Abhi's pov;
  Dis she blush? But why? What is she hiding? Whose photo is that?

Abhi's heart pained thinking about the answers...

Abhi's pov;
   Does she love someone else? Will she leave me?

His thoughts are broken when he  heard her voice

Pr: suniye

Abhi looks at her... pragya stammers

Pr: I....I...I..need...i

Losing his patience, he goes to fresh up..

At night,

Pragya kneels on the bed and asks,"can I come to office tomorrow ?"

Ab: no

Pr: my may month's target is not achieved...

Ab: no problem

Pr: then my salary will be reduced .. 

Ab: no problem

Pr: then I will not get promotion

Ab: no problem

Pr: In this one week ,I gained 3 kgs by sitting simply in home

Ab: pragya

Pr: please

Ab: no

Pr: but

Ab: I don't like repeating things

Saying he popped a pill...

Pragya keeps quiet hearing that...

Then both lay on the bed ...

After sometime abhi sees pragya slowly getting up and coming near him...he acts like sleeping..

Pragya takes his mobile and hided it under her pillow and happily closed her eyes and drifted to sleep...

Abhi smiles and slowly drifted to sleep...

Next day morning, pragya got ready in her formal dress and waiting for abhi...

Abhi came inside the room and searches for his mobile..

Pr: suniye you don't worry...I will find your mobile and bring it to the office.. you go first..

Abhi opens the drawer and takes another Mobile ... pragya's jaw dropped seeing that..her plan failed very badly..

Abhi tried hard to control his smile seeing her face..

Pragya pouts and sits on the couch..

Seeing her sulking abhi says," I will tell Prachi to take you out"

Pragya smiles lightly at him

Pr: it's okay

Then he left from there..

After sometime pragya goes to Neil and says," papa ....can I go to office"

Ne: arey beta why are you asking my permission...you go and have lunch with abhi...

Pragya goes to her room defeated...

Pr: Papa is thinking that I wanted to have lunch with him...but this is also good atleast I can be with him for sometime

Then she rushed to kitchen..

Abhi's pov;
     I am trying hard to distance myself from her,but she is coming closer to me...I don't know how to stop her..to avoid her I started to do overtime work, when I reach home the first thing I see is  her smiling face...seeing her smiling at me happily, I feel anger over myself for making her to wait....I am seeing many changes in her and I am not happy seeing those changes... slowly she is adding colours in my plain life and I can't even stop her....I should maintain proper distance from her, I will not allow her to come to office....if she rejoins here,then I am sure I can't stop her...

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