Her roshini

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In Mehra mansion...

Aditi comes inside the room and throws the cushions and pillows on the floor in anger...

Aakash immediately closed the door...she takes the cushion from her dress and throws out..

Aa: Aditi stop...are you mad if anyone sees you now ....I said you right no one should find that you are not pregnant...

Ad: I can't see her happy...how can she be happy with abhi...

Aa: relax...once our plan become successful, then she will herself leave abhi

Ad: I don't think so...she is loving him Aakash..

Aa: we will do something... first tell me did you get that file

Ad: no...that pragya came there before I could search...shall I go now

Aa: no they may return at any time...we will see tomorrow..

Aditi nods.


Abhi sees pragya who is closing her ears with her hands ...her eyes are tightly shut and her whole body is trembling in fear.. there is a big cut in her forehead and it is bleeding heavily..

 there is a big cut in her forehead and it is bleeding heavily

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Abhi immediately comes out of the car and opens pragya's door..

He tenderly touched her trembling body...

Pragya slowly opened her eyes...the pain in her eyes touched him

Abhi's heart felt a deep pain seeing her so vulnerable...

She is trapped in the clutches of her past...just the reminder of going back is enough to make her to fear to death....

Abhi softly whispered," pragya"

Pragya looks at him but still the images of the past is haunting her..

She raised her left hand for help in the dark,she wished someone could pull her out from the darkness....

Abhi gently holds her hand and pulls her out from the car and also from the darkness...

He is her light...her roshini..

Sometimes we find the brightest light when we are in the darkest of places..

By pulling her out he felt like saving himself ...his world would have get devastated if something happened to pragya today...

She weakly smiles seeing him fine... her eyes were shedding tears continuously...

She tried to keep her eyes open but  slowly her eyelids began to drop

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She tried to keep her eyes open but  slowly her eyelids began to drop...

Her knees gave in and before she could reach the floor abhi caught her in his arms...

Her knees gave in and before she could reach the floor abhi caught her in his arms

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Ab: pragya... pragya.. open your eyes

She heard him calling her ...

Ab: don't worry pragya...we will go home soon

Pragya thinks," why should I worry when you are with me.. I am home"

Then she fainted as exertion took over her..

Abhi keeps the kerchief over her cut to stop the blood..

Then he made her to lay on the backseat of the car and drove the car to hospital...

At night abhi is sitting in the bed and holding pragya's hand...he is waiting for her to open her eyes... doctor said him not to worry as she just fainted due to stress but till he hear her voice, his heart will not be in peace..

 doctor said him not to worry as she just fainted due to stress but till he hear her voice, his heart will not be in peace

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Today he planned to tell her about his past but no he didn't wish to hurt her who is already so broken..

He is going to hide his pain from her...

He promised himself that from today he will not allow anything to hurt pragya... neither his pain nor her pain..

He knows , she is wounded..he will heal her while healing himself...

Then he sees pragya fidgeting...

She suddenly shouts ," suniye" and gets up...

Abhi holds her hands and says," pragya...you are fine..we are at home"

Pragya frantically touched his face by muttering," aap

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Pragya frantically touched his face by muttering," aap...you are fine"

She suddenly throwed her arms around his neck and clung on to him tightly...

She started sobbing hard...he runs his hand through her hair and calmed her..

Seeing her breathing heavily, abhi broke the hug and takes a glass of water from the side table and gives her..

She lightly pushed his hand...abhi looked at her confused..

He thought she is going to scold him for his rash driving but what she said stunned him..

He is shocked to the core hearing her mere whisper," do you still love her?"


To be continued....


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