Pragya's growing feelings

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At morning,Pragya opens her eyes and sees abhi sleeping ...

She thinks," even now he is looking stressed.."

Pragya then gets up and covers him with a blanket and goes to fresh up...

After sometime abhi gets up and sees pragya rushing inside with her mobile...

After sometime abhi gets up and sees pragya rushing inside with her mobile

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She takes the charger from the side table and says," suniye ... please get up and drink the coffee ..."

Saying she rushed out of the room..

Abhi sees the blanket and throws the blanket down and thinks," why is she doing all these?...I should stop her .... "

He goes takes the coffee mug and goes to kitchen and sees her talking with her mother...the phone is on speaker as she is cooking..

Pr: but how do I know whether this is ready or not

Si: see the colour that golden brown

Pr: no it is brown....oh my is burning

Saying she turned off the stove ...

Other side simar and Prem burst into laughter...

Abhi smiles seeing her face..

Pragya frowns..

Pr: simar Prem enough

Pre: drop your plan beta

Pragya confusedly asks," plan?"

Si: Haan ... murdering your pati

Abhigya's eyes widened hearing that...

Pr: shh.. simar...what if someone hears

Pre: then abhi beta will escape

Pr: common Prem ...did you think I am cooking because I wanted to kill him

Simar and Prem together says," haan"

Pragya softly says," I wanted to cook for him because he was upset yesterday so I thought.."

Prem cuts her

Pre: so you thought to upset him more by giving your hand made food...

Pragya whines," Prem"

Si: he is not teasing you beta...he is just saying that like poison kills poison

Pre: like diamond cuts your food...

Pr: is my mistake to call you both...I will cook seeing you tube..

Then simar and Prem started teasing pragya and pragya started scolding them playfully...

Then simar and Prem started teasing pragya and pragya started scolding them playfully

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