Gone through the worst and got the best..

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Mi: pragu...

Pragya turns to her and says," he is my husband"

Mishti looked at abhi shocked and suddenly says," I am Mishti.."

Ab: Abhi.. Abhishek..

Mishti tells pragya

Mi: pragu.. are you still in touch with our Ishaan Bhai ...

Mishti turns to abhi and says," Ishaan is our brother..."

Even though he knows Mishti is lying ,Abhi looked at Mishti and smiled ..

Mishti holds pragya's hand and tells abhi," I and pragu are the crazy besties of our college but somehow we lost touch.."

Abhi smiles and looked at pragya who is standing like a frozen statue...

At that time abhi gets a call...

Ab: excuse me..you both speak...I will join you in a while..

Saying he went from there..

Pragya looked at him who is walking far away from her..she raised her hand to stop him but he left..

Mishti pulls pragya to a side and hugs her..

Without breaking the hug Mishti says

Mi: sorry pragu ...I am really sorry...

Pragya laid her head on her shoulder and silently stares at the floor...

Mis: pragu..

Mishti parts the hug and looked at pragya who is standing like a lifeless soul ...

Mi: what happened pragu...even your families were ready for yours and ishaan's marriage, then how did you marry abhi Bhai...

A tear rolled down on pragya's cheek...

Mi: you loved him truly so I am sure you can never cheat him..even Ishaan Bhai can't cheat you then how....you both loved each other then what happened

Pragya softly whispers," god cheated us"

Mishti looked at her..

Pr: he snatched Ishaan from me..

Mishti is stunned hearing that..

Pragya explained about that accident to Mishti...

Pr: he saved me but I couldn't save him..

Saying she weeped like a kid..

Mishti hugged her tight and both are in tears..

Mishti whispers," abhi Bhai"

Pragya turns and sees abhi standing there with teary eyes..

He turned and started walking fast...

Pragya shouts," suniye" and follows him...

Mishti prayed for her friend..

Pragya sees abhi getting inside the car and she too gets in..

Abhi started the car..

Pragya cries in fear ...she crossed the dark path of her life only in the hope that he will be at the end of the path but now when she reached the end , he disappeared..

Pragya tried to speak to him," suniye"

But he increased the speed and continuously pressed the horn ...

Pragya turned towards the window and cries thinking about her pathetic state..

His anger scaring her and his silence is killing her..

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