🖤Chapter 5🖤

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(Trigger over)
I wince as the excruciating pain throbbed through my body.

I look down at the wound and wasn't the slightest bit surprised to see that the gown was stained red.

I hear a deep trembling sigh. I squint my eyes and look at him. I hear rustling from the bed and the boy standing up to walk towards me.

He bends down and helps me upright. I was aware of the sparks trailing everywhere he touched me.

Me, still clutching my stomach tries to move and walk myself, but don't get too far before he scoops me in his arms and carries me to the hospital bed.

Thank you. I internally thank him.

He lays me down and moves away for about a minute. He returns with a cup of water and bends down to my level.

I lay on my side facing him. He helps me take a few sips and puts the cup down again.

My eyes were puffy and face red, with traces of tears still on them. I felt so weak and tired. And not just physically.

"What did they do?" He asks in nothing above a whisper, staring at my bloody gown and hands. His lips barely moved as he spoke.

I slowly shake my head, not trusting my voice to say what they did. I don't even know what they did. And I don't know if I could trust this boy yet.

He lets out another deep breath and closes his eyes for a second. He looks over at my stomach that I was still clutching for dear life.

"May I?" He asks gesturing towards my stomach. I pause for a moment, thinking.

It can't get any worse.

I slowly start removing my arms away from my stomach so he could see.

He looks at it, grimacing slightly. He looks at me as if asking permission for something. I think he got his answer when two tears rolled down my cheeks.

For some reason that look did more than just let us gaze into the other's eyes.

No, this was something much more. Something beyond me.

For some strange reason I felt like I could trust him and I suddenly did, with my life.

If he did anything to me, I wouldn't be able to fight him off anyway, but I knew, he was some protector.

He places both his hands gently upon my lower stomach.

He closes his eyes, and that tingly feeling starts again, but multiplies by like 10000000000, shooting through my body at 1000 mph/h. My body felt like it was floating on a cloud and glowing with sunlight.

At first I thought I imagined it, but I could feel the pain slowly disappearing, until it was all gone. Evaporated into nothingness.

The boy opens his eyes, they were brightened, maybe even glowing, more than ever, and looking straight at me. His face void of emotion like always.

"What did you do? The pain it's gone." I ask in a whisper, with a frown. I don't get a response.

He stands up and walks away toward his bed.

Humans can't do what he just did.

"Who are you?" I ask a little louder.

He doesn't look at me, just shakes his head again and flops down on his bed onto his back, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Why won't you answer me?" I ask again. This time it felt like my voice was breaking.

No reply.

"Were you also captured?" I ask, the last word coming out more screechy.

I focus on his face and there, I saw it. A slight nod with no emotion, staring at the ceiling.

Progress, I guess.

"Can I know your name?" I ask sitting more upright.

He gives me a small glance, then looks back at the ceiling. He looks down at his hands staring at the blood patches. He doesn't do anything to remove it.

I sigh and look around the room. I suddenly notice there was these white boards at the end of the beds. I didn't see that before, they must have brought it in while I was out.

I stand up and walk towards mine, checking it.

Name: Gaia Ora
Gender: Female
From: Travail
Age: 18
Experiment: 05 =Human and outer-space interaction.=

Outer-space interaction? What the hell is that?!

I glance over at the boy and then at his board, maybe I could find out his name. Was he also here for outer-space interaction? Whatever that meant.

I walk over to his bed and reach out for it.

Before I could take it, he grabs my arm tightly, but the sparks are still present. "No." He states coldly.

I pull my arm away and walk back to my bed. What was that about? What does he mean "no". I can check his board if I wanted to.

I lay down on the bed and take a deep breath, thinking about this terrible day, but for some reason I can't help feeling relief that I wasn't trapped in here all alone.

One of the many awful things I have noticed about being here, is that you never know when it's daytime or night-time. So your days and nights are all mixed up.

"Goodnight, I guess." I say not expecting a reply from the dark strange boy across the room.

"Night." He says softly, but I heard it.

With that I fall asleep with a small smile on my face. Maybe I was going to be alright.


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