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*2 months later*

Everyone has been getting really sick. Patrick turned and attacked the cell block because of this. I'm not sick but I've been puking for no reason.

"Are you okay?" Beth says walking into the bathroom watching me puke. I wipe my mouth. "Yeah." I say as she walks over to hold my hair.

I start puking again. No one else is puking like I am. It's weird. "Are you..... I mean. Do you need to take a pregnancy test?" Beth asks. "That would sure help. Maybe I am. I've been getting a little fatter and I'm eating alot." I say wiping my mouth again. She nods and walks out.

I'm finally done puking and get up walking to me and Caitlyn's cell. "Hey, can I tell you something?" I say walking in. "Yeah sure." She says patting her bed. I sit next to her. "I-I think I may be pregnant." I say nervously. "By who?" She says in shock. "I don't know. I've been puking for almost 2 months." I say biting my lip.

"I've been craving alot of food too." I add.

"What if you are?" Caitlyn asks.

"I don't know. I don't think I can bring a baby into this world."

I put my face into my hands. What the hell? I can't be pregnant. We used protection.

*2 hours later*

I fell asleep fast.


Carl, Rick, Daryl, and I are walking through the woods as my stomach is like a swallowed a basketball. "Wait." I say with my hand over my mouth. I start puking into the leaves.

After I'm finished I hear a slight moan close. "I got it." Daryl says shooting an arrow into its head. Daryl walks over to it and grabs the arrow out of it's head.

As soon as we start walking again walkers come out from no where all around us. It's too many to handle. One comes up to me and bites into my stomach.

~end of dream~

I wake up gasping. Caitlyn gets up "what's wrong?"

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