The twists of life- Fernando & Ruby

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"Fernando ? Dios mio."

"Ruby. It' long."

All the words came back to her mind as she turned to look at the same man in her bed beside her.

She hoped to God that this wasn't a dream. That she hadn't imagined all of this.

"Buenos dias, mi amor."

Ruby smiled to herself and turned around to face Fernando.

"How'd you sleep?" Ruby asked.

"Better that ever."

"That's good."

Fernando smiled and leaned in to kiss Ruby. Ruby bit her lip just before leaning in just like Fernando until their lips met.

They kissed for a while making it into a make out session. Ruby felt Fernando's gentle hands slide down to her breast.

She moaned in their kiss as she felt his fingers brush through her sensitive nipples. Fernando smirked as he swallowed her moan.

"Sabes.....que hace much tiempo que no e estado con una mujer come estuve contigo anoche. "

"Eres un gran mentiroso ." Ruby said laughing .

"No. I'm not kidding. I really waited for the right woman to come. But.....I guess it could of only been you."

"I totally relate to that. I don't want to bring up the past. Let's just continue our little affair." Ruby said leading her hand down to Fernando's crotch.

Fernando chuckled and pulled Ruby from his side to his lap in a quick and simple movement.

Ruby had been all over the place for the last 2 weeks. She had been touring trying to promote her show in Vegas. And having little performances here and there.

She had started out in Dallas, to move later through Austin and other cities and states. She had finally gotten to Los Angles when they unfortunately informed her that her flight had been delayed.

"Lucy, how the fuck am I supposed to get home now. I've been all around for two damn weeks. The only thing I would love to do is head home and collapse in my bed. Why can't it be that easy?" Ruby whined as she fell on the bed next to her.

Lucy, her friend and part time assistant pursed her lips trying to ignore the bitchyness in Ruby's words.

"Well we can start by not starting to whine. Your a 50 year old woman. That has no kids and is on tour. You can't be whining over simple things. And your flight was delayed because of the weather. I can't do anything about the weather, Ruby. I'm not a damn magician."

Ruby sat up and fixed her hair before facing Lucy. She gave her a sorryfull smile. "I know. I'm sorry. But I'm just so tired and I wanted to get home back to my cat and boyfriend."

"I wouldn't even call him boyfriend.....he just stays with you because he wants to have a good time. Ruby, I'm telling you he's trouble."

"Lucy.....please. I don't need another one of your sermons. You think I don't notice. I'm 50, he's 24. I'm not stupid. But you don't know how it feels to be lonely. Your married. And you have a baby."

"Well your not old. And you look amazing for your age. Stop playing around with boy toys and find you a man. A real one. One that's not afraid of commitment and.....that doesn't have "I love sex" tattooed in his calf."

Ruby rolled her eyes and layed back in the bed dramaticly.

"I'm going to go figure out if I can get you some sort of transport. If we can't we'll just stay here an extra night. Maybe we can go out."

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