Meryl and Don- A risk

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This is dedicated to Sephora_Lewis

"Thank you everyone for coming. This is really a great achievement for me and my husband." Meryl said as she stood in front of 200 people as her crowd.

Don and Meryl were celebrating the inauguration of their new house. A beautiful 2 story house with 7 bedrooms and even a gazebo in the backyard.

"You deserve it Meryl." Cher shouted from the front with a smile." Let's all toast to the couple. For Meryl and Don." Cher raised her glass making the other remaining people to do the same.

Meryl smiled and hugged her husband. As soon as she got off of the platform, Meryl headed over to Cher.

"You are aren't even supposed to be here." Meryl whispered.

Cher rolled her eyes and pulled Meryl to the side." I know but I feel like I needed a goodbye. After all we are leaving Don."

"We? I'm the one divorcing him." Meryl drinked from her champagne and smiled.

"Ok. Ok. You are leaving Don. But what about those night with all three of us. I kinda grew attached." Cher said dramatically.

The two walked inside together and sat in the sofa. Cher on one side and Meryl at the other with her legs together in the middle.

"What time is the flight at?" Cher asked.

Meryl frowned before remembering." At 7 am. So we have to sleep before heading towards the airport."

Suddenly they heard the front door open and Don came in. He smiled at seeing both of his women together. Of course he was only married to Meryl.

"Hey sweethearts. Why are inside?" He asked. Before sitting in the coffee table he kissed both on the lips.

"We are discussing our trip. There is a lot of noice outside. Impossible to have a civil conversation." Meryl said.

Don nodded.

Meryl and Cher had known each other for years. Since Silkwood. And even back then they had an attraction to each other.

During days at the set in between breaks they would head towards one or the others trailer and talk. They both felt something for each other but never really talked about it.

They remained as friends over decades. It wasn't until their second movie, Stuck On You, that they finally let all the live and passion for each other out.

They started seeing each other and having an affair. One night things got overboard and Don found it.

Meryl and Cher panicked. They though he would be angry........but their guesses couldn't be farther from the truth.

That little affair caused years of them three seeing each other. But deep, deep down Don always knew Cher amd Meryl loved each other more.

And now....they were leaving and he had nothing to say. He was okay with it.

"That's good. When is the flight?" Don asked.

"At 7 am. So we have to head to sleep before I can't get up tomorrow." Cher said.

Don nodded smiling, knowing that Cher needed to sleep or nothing and no one could get her up the next morning.

"Won't we have a goodbye. This will be the last time lovelies." Don suggested.

Meryl and Cher nodded taking his hand. All three ran upstairs to the bedroom of the new house.

The night was spent with a fervor that was indescribable. Kisses and pleasuring one another was the theme. And all the three guests followed it perfectly.

The next morning Don had left the room and left both Meryl and Cher lying in bed.

It was hard for him to say goodbye. He had loved and been married to one of these woman. But he also understood their choice.

"It's 5, Cher. We have to get up." Meryl said pulling on Cher's feet. Cher groaned and held the headboard in front of her for resistance.

"I don't want to get up. Go for both of us." Cher mumbled.

"No come on. Get up lazy-ass." Meryl chuckled.

Cher finally let go causing Meryl to fall back down on the floor. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Can you get up now." Meryl said standing back up.

Cher nodded and hopped of wrapping the sheet to herself. She kissed Meryl and headed to the shower.

Meryl was left behind smiling. Not only for the gesture but for the life ahead of them. Together.

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