I was only your assistant pt.3

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"Cher..... calm down. You'll get drunk if you keep that track."
Cher looked at her sister wide eyed and downed her next shot.

"Sorry.....I'm just...so nervous."

"And we can all see that. But you need to be clearheaded when you talk to Andy."

Cher nodded and sat on the stool looking occasionally to the door.

Since her and Georganne had been done talking Cher had downed 1 martini, 5 shots and a  whiskey.

She really did wish that she would be at least a decent kind of sober when Andy finally got there.

"Ms. Cher.......can I have this dance?" One of her workers, Pete asked her.

"Of course." Cher stood up and took his hand walking to the middle of the dance floor. She began to dance forgetting for a second who she was waiting for.

The alcohol she had consumed started to get to her, because she was starting to feel hot and laughed at almost anything.

Once she was done dancing she sat at the bar and ordered another drink.

"Georganne!!! Get over here!" Georgia screamed as she saw Cher in the bar, already starting to drink again.

"What's up mom? Cher.....I told you not to drink anymore." Georganne whined as she saw Cher's state.

"I wasn't pinky promise." Cher said trying her best to sound sober.

"Come on, Cher. We have to take you home."

"No! I'm waiting for someone." Cher said. She stood from the stool and stood there still.

"Andy!! Andy's here!" Cher turned her back around and turned to look at the door. The smile that was in her face quickly faded as she saw a beautiful woman from his arm.

Her eyes started to well up in tears she dedided turn around back to facing her sister and mother.

"Cher......I'm sorry honey."

"Thank ......." Cher felt a familiar burn in her throat and she knew she needed a restroom quickly.

She mover her sister out of the way and ran towards the restroom.

"Oh great.....now she's throwing up. She never throws up." Georgia said looking at the path Cher had just ran through.

"I know. I'll go check on her." Georganne said. She walked towards the restroom pulling on the door she noticed it was locked.

"Stupid.....open the door.....it's me." Georganne said knocking.

"I don't want you to see me like this."

Georganne laughed and knocked again.
"Cher I've seen you worse......way worse......like that one time you fell of the table at......."

"I get it! Point well taken." Cher stood up from her knees and opened the door for her sister.

"Ohhh. Cher you look like crap. Thank God,I always have backup." Georganne said showing Cher her purse.

Cher looked in the mirror and realized she did look pretty bad. She was sweating and her mascara had ran down her cheeks.

Cher felt the ache in her heart. But kept trying to push it down.

"Cher........I'm really sorry. Maybe that's just his friend."

Cher laughed sarcastically and dried the tears again." Sure....."

"I'm being for real, Cher. You never know."

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