I was only your assistant.

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"You are killing me Cher. Killing me. I hate it. Absolutely. Why can't you just be like any wife. Why do you have to succeed in everything? I've taken all your shit and all your stood ups for years. But now I'm done. I want a divorce." Michael shouted. He opened her office door and walked out the office.

She followed close behind, equally as mad as him. If not more." Yeah. Well I don't care. I don't need you. It was always all the way around. And do you think you were always so smart. I know you've been having an affair! Ok! So yeah, a divorce is actually not that bad of an idea." Cher shouted back. Every single one of her employees kept walking as they saw the married couple screaming at each other again. But this was definitely the worst of all their fights.

Michael stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look back at Cher. He smirked before walking back to her." To be honest Cher. Yes, I've been having an affair. And for a really long time now. And she is much younger and can ple-........."

"Shut up!! Shut up and get out." Cher took Michael by the shoulders and pushed him to the door slamming it after.

She stood tearing up leaning against the door. All her employees stared at her feeling sorry.

"Ms.Cher.......your appointment with Mr.McCarthy is in 15 minutes. Do you want me to cancel?" Shannon one of her assistants asked.

Cher nodded without speaking. She knew that if she spoke a loud and painful sob would escape her mouth.

Shannon started walking away before she spoke again." Shannon.....just cancel all of my appointments today. And everybody is free to leave early today. Go spend sometime with your family. I am so so sorry for what you had to see right now."

All her crew nodded and started packing their stuff before taking the stairs down.

"Shannon, honey, I'll be in my office. You can just pop your head in and let me know when your done with cancelling my meetings."

"Yes. Ms. Cher."

Cher nodded to herself and made her way to her office past Shannon. She closed the door behind her feeling the knot in her throat again.

No, Cher. No more tears. As soon as Shannon is gone. You are heading to the bar and getting dead drunk.

She told herself.

Why did no one want to be Mr. Cher? She had worked hard to develop her own company. You would think that the man she was with would be happy and honored to have her as a wife. Well her soon to be ex- husband and many failed relationships would think other wise.

She had tried and tried again to take all her husbands infidelities. Sure, she wasn't home all the time to the laundry or have enough energy every night to make love to her husband. But that was the price to pay for being a successful business woman.

Cher finally made the knot in her throat go away and walked to her desk working on some papers before there was knock on her door.

"Ms. Cher, I'm done with the calls."

"Thank you Shannon. Have a great rest of your day."

"So do you." Shannon stepped back a bit before opening the door again and saying something." I don't know if this helps but, you are a very beautiful woman, Ms. Cher. Any man should be honored to have you as a wife. Mr. Michael is just an asshole and doesn't appreciate you."

Cher chuckled with Shannon's last remark." Thank you. Shannon, thank you so much sweetheart."

"No problem." Shannon gave her a last smile before closing her office door.

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