The twists of life pt.2- Fernando & Ruby

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Fernando drove both women to their hotel. Ruby's chauffer had brought their things back and gave Ruby time to change before going out with Fernando.

"Do you think he'll like this ?" Ruby asked looking at Lucy through the mirror.

"I think he'll love it. But maybe wear something more practical. You don't know were he's taking you."

"No. But your right. I'll just wear some jeans." Ruby threw all the clothes back in her suitcase. And choose a pair of jeans with a light yellow blouse with a little of a cleavage going on.

"You look good." Lucy said nodding.

"Thanks." Ruby responded and sat at the end of the bed putting her shoes on.

"Ok. I'll see you later at night. I love you." Ruby kissed Lucy's cheek and walked out of the room and down the stairs to were Fernando was waiting.

"Ya estoy lista." Ruby announced as she stood looking at him from the bottom step.

"You look amazing. I swear. It's like no time has passed at all."

"Ha. You haven't seen me naked."

Fernando smirked at that and offered Ruby his arm. She gladly took it and walked with him outside to her car.

"So....where are you taking me?"

"To a place..where you'll forget all your worries. It's not elegant. But I can promise you'll have fun."

"I don't care. Just as long as I'm with you."

Fernando smiled and took her hand in his. They stayed quiet for a while. None really knowing what to say.

"Ruby....your...a..beautiful woman. Why didn't you settle with anyone?"

"This is going to sound so stupid. they weren't you. After you left to fight in the war and didn't come back when you said you would. I just assumed you were dead. But I vowed not to be with anyone else. That .....I would hold out and wait for you.....just in case."

"Well...thank you. And I meant what I said before I left. If you give a chance I swear I will make you the happiest woman alive."

"Are you asking me something?" Ruby said with a huge smile.

Fernando parked the car infront of a place and turned to face Ruby. "Yes....Do you want to try this out? And if you give a chance. I vow to give you everything Ruby. Todo lo que soñamos aya en Mexico. Una familia. Estar casados. Y tener un bebe."

"Un bebe? Tengo 50 años. No creo que pueda tener un bebe."

"We can try. And it would be a fun task. So ?"

"Of course I will. I love you, Fernando."

"And I love you,Ruby."

Fernando leaned in and kissed Ruby sweetly. Not giving her time to breath in before the kiss. He pulled her closer circling his arms around her waist.

Ruby hummed in their kiss and left her seat. She settled on Fernando's lap with one leg on each side of him. His hands started massaging her tights causing a small moan to leave her mouth.

Before they could take it any further there was a tap on their window. Ruby jumped and pulled back. But she really couldn't move to her seat.

"I can't get off."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"My heel got stuck." Ruby said laughing. Fernando smiled and put the window down. Ruby just layed on Fernando trying to look normal.

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