I was only your assistant pt.2

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Cher got dressed just like any other day and headed to work.

She was about an hour late since she was having a meltdown. She prayed and hoped that Andy wouldn't be there.

"Hello, Ms. Cher......."

"Shannon,....honey can you give me 15 minutes to breathe. My head in underwater and I just feel sick. "

"Oh of course. You must be very busy."

"Thanks honey." Cher kept walking towards her office.

The way the floor was set up was that her office was until the back of the room. And her assistant desks where just outside her office. To the right being Shannon and the left Andy.

"Fuck." She murmured to herself as she found Andy already there. He looked at her since she walked into the room. Their eyes connect before she pushed the door open and finally got to her office.

She stood against the door before her office phone rang making her jump.

"So early and already getting calls. Cherilyn Sarkisian speaking."

"Hello, it's Mr. Michael's assistant speaking. He told me to let you know that he has already....."

Cher laughed." Your telling me this. He asks for a divorce. And had an affair and now he's taking the high road and not even facing me. Can you connect met to him, honey.?"

"He.....he told me not to."

Cher smiled and nodded." Well let him know that either he can talk to me over the phone or I can jump in my car and give him a personal visit."

"Just one second, miss."

Cher heard the line transfer and heard her soon to be ex husband's voice.

"Now this is right." Cher said.

"What do you need,Cher?"

"I need you to stop making yourself the victim. You have the balls to decide to not call me when you started this. No, sir. And if you need to meet with me for the divorce ,perfect. I'll see you tomorrow at your lawyer's office." Cher hung up the phone, slamming it into the holder.

Cher now sat back in her chair and looked around at her desk realizing she was missing papers of the sales for the month.

"Shannon,honey, can you bring me the papers for the sells last month."

"I don't have them, Ms. Cher. But Andy does. I'll send him right over."

Before Cher could say anything, Shannon was of the line.

There was a knock on Cher's door.

"Come in......." Cher whispered. Andy stepped inside with a folder in his hand.

"Here are the reports that you need Ms. Cher."

Cher looked up at him with a puzzled expression.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything? Andy asked.

"No.......no. But hey.......where.....where were you yesterday."

"You mean after work.?"

Cher hummed.

"I went home, had dinner and fell asleep." Andy answered confused.

Cher was now even more confused. Just as soon as Andy left her office, Cher ran to the restroom and splashed cold water on her face. She checked her neck for the marks that he had left last night, and they were there.

Maybe it was someone else, and Cher just  imagined it was Andy. Or maybe Andy didn't remember.


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