Chapter 6 : Interact with others

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At some point of your life you might heard about the famous "Rat Park" experiment by Dr. Bruce Alexander in the 1970's. The experiment goes by comparing two cages with rats in it. The first cage has only one rat, with no any other rats to interact with, and the other cage has a community of rats that will enable the other rats on that cage to socialize and maintain a sex life. Inside both of the cages, there are two bottles with drinkable spot, one bottle contains just water, and the other with an addictive drug. The rat that is alone is observed to consume excessively on the drug-laced bottles until it overdosed and died. While on the other cage, none of the rats died due to that addictive drug-laced bottles. What shows us is that a healthy community beats the obsession in addictive substances. This also applies with humans, the healthier your social life is, the less likely you are to fall from addiction. Knowing that addiction to substance has a direct correlation of being depressed.

Believe it or not, humans are social creatures, we wouldn't be able to fight the bear in the cave million years ago if we aren't suppose to interact with each other. The next time you're feeling lonely and alone, ask a friend for help. No one can read minds, speak for yourself, tell them your problems. Get off the illusion that you're a disturbance for others. If obvious, don't seek for help from someone who is grumpy and will just make the situation worse. You only need a listener, not someone who will blame you or tell you that you're just being dramatic. Trust me, help is everywhere, there is that one person that is willing to help you, look at your "forgiven" or "forgotten" friends list. If possible, your family is the nearest people to tell your problems. Not to mention your demonic sibling. But most of us, our parents don't see mental health problems as a threat. That is one of my life missions too, to tell the world that a person dead inside will not do anything worthy of a living man.A very strong warning for teenagers looking for someone that can understand them. Make sure that the person you're trusting has a pure intention of helping you out. You don't want to solve your depression only to find out that you're kinda feeling in love. Be aware of the illusions in life, that person you're comfortable with right now may be the reason of your future heartache. Let's say that you're in the worst case scenario that matter how hard you try, you still cannot find that "someone" to talk to. The only solution is to be comfortable with yourself. Search for the most effective self help techniques you can get. Train yourself to be strong by without the help of others, at the end of the day, no one can make you happy if you're not happy being alone.

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