Sugar daddy and baby

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"Aw geez- I-I don't know if I should be doing this." Liam sighed as he wrapped his blanket tighter around his body. The only light came from his computer screen, which was bouncing back and forth as he shifted his legs numerous times. Soft pinks and whites illuminated his face. "I can't believe I'm actually going to do this."

A loud sigh left his slightly chapped lips as his fingers quickly began typing. Liam was signing up on a website to find a Sugar Daddy. His fingers slightly trembled as he typed. This wasn't something he totally wanted to do but he needed the extra money. "I am looking for..." he paused as he looked over the questions and options, " geez, there's a ton of options! Okay, let's start with age. I don't want someone totally older than me, 23-27 is perfect." After quickly putting in all the basic information needed, his preferences, some pictures that left much to the imagination, and a short bio, he looked up at the clock and was shocked he had spent over an hour on this.

With a quiet snap, Liam put away his laptop and staggered into his bedroom. A slight breeze blew in from the slight opening in the window. Quickly, he shut the window and jumped under his warm covers. It didn't take long for sleep to overtake the tired blonde boy.

A loud and annoying sound woke Liam up with a great sigh. He peeked st the alarm clock next to his bed to see neon numbers flash 8:37 AM. He rolled over and faced his window. The bright light that leaked in through the curtains temporarily blinded the tired boy. After struggling to get comfortable again, he let out an exhausted sigh and threw his blanket to the side. "Might as well get ready for work." Liam grumbled. His eyes were half open, still being weighed down by sleep. He padded into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, downing the whole bottle in seconds.

He quickly grabbed a granola bar and then got changed into his work uniform. Soon after he began his walk to work. Ah, his work. His shitty job that barely gave him enough money to survive. His rent was usually late and he never got to go out with his friends on all their cool outings. His car was currently broken but he didn't have enough money to get it fixed yet. He desperately tried to get another job or work even more but nothing was going in his favor. Not to mention the customers at his job annoyed him beyond belief and his co-workers weren't much better. A sad look over took his face as he was standing outside of the little coffee shop he worked at. At least it was much warmer in there than it was outside.

Today especially seemed to drag on for some reason. Many costumes made Liam's job way more complicated than he liked. Complaining he wasn't all that nice or they gave him the wrong coffee orders but got mad at him anyways. He was glad that he had tomorrow off. The walk home was much quicker than the walk to work this morning. It always was, though. He loved escaping from that rundown shop.

After Liam was all settled down and in some comfortable pajamas, he plopped down on the couch with his laptop. It wasn't the best but it was one of his favorite things. He opened the laptop and was instantly greeted with the same brightly colored screen from last night. How did he forget about this! There was a small 5 over the message icon. One was far from his age range, two of them were very vile messages and he didn't like the sound of either of them very much. Another one could hardly be considered English so he ignored it but the most recent one caught his eye.

This message was left only about half an hour ago. First, Liam clicked on the man's profile and checked everything out. He was the ideal age that Liam was hoping for, 26. Five years older than him. The pictures were obscured and the face wasn't exactly clear but he looked extremely tall. This stranger's hair was raven black. He seemed slightly built and in each picture his clothes looked expensive. Prices that Liam could never imagine paying for clothes. After snooping and making sure everything checked out, he read the message. Even his user handle drew Liam in.

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