Chunin challenge: Rock lee vs Sasuke

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Team 7 headed to the next floor when suddenly they were stopped by a voice.
"You, the brooding emo!"

"Brooding emo? What a perfect description." Y/n hides a snort. Sasuke glares at the owner of the voice. It was Rock Lee again.

"What is it?" Sasuke asks.

"I want to fight you!" Lee answers.

" You want to fight me?"

'Oh this will be interesting. Something tells me lee is going to win.'

"You wanna wager on that?" Akuma asks.

'What you got to offer?'

"If I win you have to do me a favor if you win I do you a favor simple as that."

'Hmm if you won what would you do?'

"I'll tell you when I WIN. Oh and that eyebrow weirdo is eyeing you."

'Aww you jealous?'


Y/n tuned back into the conversation.
"Y/n, Sakura you are angels sent from heaven~"
Lee blushes and sends kisses towards the two.

"Ángel? Your joking I'm anything but that." Y/n replied while Sakura dodged the floating valentines. Naruto snatches y/n away from the incoming air kisses.

"Keep your valentines to yourself Eyebrows!" Naruto shouts. P/n yips in agreement.

"You don't have to be so negative." Lee said.

Y/n tunes out of the conversation uninterested.
'I'm hungry... Naruto didn't give me the chance to eat.'
She layed her back on the floor and stared at the ceiling.
'A short nap wouldn't hurt..Naruto and Sakura can fill me in who won.'

Closing her eyes she tried to drift off to sleep. A few minutes later a new voice appeared.
She gets up and rubs her eyes. Her vision focuses on a turtle lecturing lee and a man that looked awfully like an older version of lee.

"What's a turtle doing here and why are there two Lee's?" Y/n asks.

The older looking lee turns to her and grins.
"Well aren't you a little ball of shine exploding with youth. I'm Lee's sensei Maito Guy but call me Guy sensei! It is an honor to be in your presence Shadow demon." He bows.

"You don't have to bow and call me y/n." Guy looked up as if remembering something.

"Ahh your that girl Kakashi was talking about!" He grinned.

Y/n looked at him puzzled.
"What did he say about me?"

"Kakashi is always bragging about you to the other sensei's about you. He told me that you were his favorite student. You must be so special for him to say that." Guy said.

'How nice of sensei to say that.' The rest of team 7 stared Guy in surprise.

"W-what big eyebrows!" Naruto said.

Lee shouts at Naruto out of irritation.
"Don't mock Guy sensei!"

"Shut up! I'm at a loss of words so many weird things are happening after another!" Naruto shouts back.

"Why you!" Before lee could launch at the fox ,Guy stops him.

"Lee enough."

Lee turns around facing his sensei.
"Yes sir..."

Guy clutches his face.
"For your punishment lee!" Guy punches Lee's face.

Y/n stared as the boy face planted.
'The exams haven't even started ,yet there are so much fighting going on. Wait who won the fight?'

Guy walks over to Lee in tears.
"Lee I'm sorry."

Lee soon starts having tears stream down his face.

"E-enough lee don't say anything." Lee embraces guy in a hug. The setting of the sun setting and waves of the ocean appeared behind them.

'D-did anyone else see that?'

"It's okay Lee mistakes from youth are made by everyone."

"Y-your so kind sensei!"

"Now then, give me a hundred laps toward the training field of the setting sun." Guy points.

"Yes guy sensei!"

'Are they high on something cause were in a building and the exams are about to start.'
Y/n looks at her teams reaction.
Sasuke looked pissed, Sakura and Naruto looked weirded out.

"So you guys how's Kakashi sensei?" Guy asked.

"You know Kakashi sensei?" Sasuke asks.

"I know him all too well he's my eternal rival!"
Team 7 look at him in disbelief.

Y/n watches as he poofed behind her team. She fidgeted with p/n's paws to help her think over the noisiness of the others.
'So this guy rivals our sensei. He looks like a joke,but I should know not to underestimate people.'

"Lee do well on you exams!" Guy poofs away.
Lee faces team 7

" Before I go you should know something Sasuke. I came here to test my ability. I lied before... the strongest man of the leaf village genin might be on my own team. I'm entering in order to defeat that person. And, you now are one of my targets. Please prepare yourself for the exams!" Lee then leaves.

'Judging by Sasuke's reaction he lost I think...'

"So who won?" Y/n asks her team.

Before the Uchiha had time to cover his teammates mouth Naruto blurted it out.
"Sasuke lost! It was bushy brows who won can you believe that! Haha!"
Sasuke glares at the ground in embarrassment.

'He lost... so I guess that concludes a our bet Akuma. You owe me a favor that I'll ask later.'


Walking up to Sasuke ,Y/n placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, you tried your best so don't beat yourself up about it. Your still pretty strong in my eyes Sasuke... but not as strong as me." Sasuke rolls his eyes but calms down.


"Alright team 7 let's go." Y/n orders.

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