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I needed a walk, or literally anything that would distract me from this. I strolled out of my room to have a check on Jonas, but something else caught my eyes-

Xaviers was giving one-arm pushups with his other arm drawn to his back. I looked away deciding that it was none of my business. My dear dog, however, seemed to consider it a part of his business as Bruno merrily hopped past me and towards Xaviers while producing low curious barks. That disrupted Xaviers' pushups as he looked up and probably noticed me for the first time in the room. He got up almost instantly, as if it was a reflex action, and turned away to move to June's room without a word, perhaps not wanting me to watch him while working out.

Well, someone was a gentleman.

Something struck my mind, and I called him back as he was proceeding.

"I needed to ask you something."

He just moved his head, gesturing for me to continue.

"Did you get Pappa's new autopsy reports yet?"

"Didn't I already tell you Miss Valdez that I'm out of this case?" it was more of a statement than a question.

"But the autopsy-"

"Not in my hands. The previous autopsy reports said that it was a heart attack and that's all we have," he responded sharply, cutting me out in the middle.

"But how come you went to the Valdez Mansion yesterday if you're out of this case?" I questioned.

"A last visit to end all the formalities," he answered, turning away to leave.

Before I could interject further, he had left the room. How rude-

Now I couldn't even go and have a check on Jonas since Xaviers was in the room. I motioned to carry my hazel-nut fur ball back to my room but-

Bruno was not there. That disobedient pet of mine had followed Xaviers into the room.

Luckily, Jonas himself came to my room within a few minutes, thanks to Bruno.

"Your pet seems to like Xav Bro more than you," he teased.

"I wonder if dogs have a fascination towards rude guys," I commented while my puppy tried to jump on my lap with his 'puppy eyes' but I wouldn't let him. That's what he gets for liking people I hate.

"So, you okay now?" I asked Jonas in a soft tone.

Jonas nodded with a meek smile.

"That's like my brother," I smiled as I ruffled his unkempt hair.

"Hmmmmmm," he chuckled after a while.

I could smell something cooking in his head.

"So, I'm your brother right?"

I nodded.

"What about Xav Bro?" he asked in a way too curious tone.

"He's too rude to be my brother," I replied with an eye roll.

"Too rude to be your brother, or too handsome to be your something else huh?" he chortled, nudging me by the elbow as if I was going to blush now or something.

I looked at Jonas through squinted eyes, trying to convey my annoyance.

So what if he was handsome? His rudeness overpowers it all.

I would have given Jonas a good beating if I was actually decent in karate, but seeing no other option, my hands automatically motioned towards the pillow on the bed. I aimed the pillow towards him and breathed out an air of victory after smacking him mildly with it once.

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