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"Your fight is more entertaining than the movie, you know," Jonas quipped while gulping down another handful of popcorn.

He had already finished half of the bowl.

"You don't get to eat any more of it," I snapped, snatching the bowl of popcorn from him.

"You two make a cute pair by the way," he jested with a wink.

Only till he received a mighty blow by my pillow.

"Start the movie again," I demanded.

Bruno shoved himself between me and Jonas as if he wanted to watch the movie too. My smart pet. Jonas attempted to steal from my share of popcorn quite a few times, but I wouldn't let him. It was almost midnight when the movie came to an end. We were gossiping on the plot twists for the next few minutes when a rumble of thunder cracked so stridently that it felt it was right above us. I peeked out of the window to see a mighty bolt of lightning flashing across the sky, which had turned gravel-gray now. I had to shut the window a few seconds later because of the ferocious cloudburst. A thunderstorm was on the way.

Before we could comment on the weather, our attention was quickly drawn to Kelvin, who had entered the room through the open door.

"The bulb in that room flickered out because of the thunder," he blurted out, answering the question on our faces.

"Hmm so? It's already midnight, you're going to sleep anyway."

"Amy, Xav Bro can't sleep with all lights turned off," Jonas responded for him.

I raised an eyebrow.

Interesting. I finally got something to pull his legs.

"Wait, so Senior Detective Kelvin Xaviers, who isn't afraid of guns, is scared of sleeping in the dark," I mocked, not letting such a golden opportunity go out of my hands.

Kelvin didn't say anything. Maybe I got him on the right spot. Well, I didn't continue any further since it wasn't any fun in fighting if he stays silent like that.

I wonder why he was silent though.

I glanced over at Jonas, feeling sorry for that poor guy for having to sleep in a lighted room for the past few days, credits to me. He made an innocent puppy face as if trying to gain more sympathy for the suffering he went through. I held my left ear with my fingers, gesticulating a funny apology.

"So Miss Amyra, if you would sleep in Jonas' room today-"

"Of course not! I'm not sleeping in that eerie room alone with no lights."

"Then go and knock on Mrs. Arabella's house, requesting her to let you stay with her tonight."

"Don't be funny Xav Bro, it's 1 am now. She's probably snoring and best of luck if you can wake her up before morning."

Kelvin sighed before turning to me again, "Then let us both sleep on the floor here tonight. I'll fix it tomorrow."

I considered for a moment. Would it be wise to let these two men sleep in my room?

Well, I had been staying in their house for a week and they had proved themselves harmless. Not to forget that I would have been dead by now if they had not saved me from my near-death experiences.

"Say Please," I demanded with a mood to mess around a bit.

Well, it's not every day that I get the chance to hear some polite words from Mr. Angry Young Man.


"Say it," I merely shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine, please," he said, rolling his eyes.

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