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The dry foliage rasped as our bike made its way through the ominous forest where swarming trees sprouted without any definite order. The bikes didn't leave our track even for a moment. The sound of occasional bullets going off in the air vibrated in my ears, making me feel sick. Kelvin had to forcefully make me bob down a few times to escape the bullets before I finally started doing it myself. He kept his gun in one hand, seldom shooting back at the direction of the attackers to drive them away. Bearing his shooting skills in mind, he could have shot all of them to death in one go, but he didn't mean to do that right now. He would be in great trouble later on if the bullets from his gun took any life, even though it was just for defense. Our bike whooshed at the speed of light, making it onerous for the attackers to aim at us properly. Bruno barked continuously sensing danger while I kept him enveloped in a firm grip to protect him from the gunshots.

One of the bikes was almost parallel to us at that point in time.

"Amy, duck!" Kelvin shouted as a bullet was shot straight towards me.

I hunched down on time, but I was sure that the bullet would still hit me. It was shot at a lower angle. The evil roar of the bullet pierced my ears as I braced myself to take it in. But the bullet didn't hit me.

Bruno had lurched forward to save his master from the bullet. My Bruno was shot-

Blood dribbled from the area where the bullet hit him as I felt the contraction and relaxation of his lungs cease down.

"No!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

I couldn't feel his heartbeat anymore.

Kelvin instantaneously lost control of the bike as his eyes fell on Bruno. Another bullet went off somewhere near us. How dare they-

Without any warning, I seized the gun from Kelvin's hand and shot two bullets blindly towards the bikes in full rage.

"Amy, don't!" Kelvin resisted, putting his best effort into snatching the gun back from me.

He yanked the bike with a rough turn as we headed off straight into a dense bush. The twigs scraped my bare skin, bringing out blood at places. Kelvin kept a firm grip on my hand as we coursed through the canopy with a life-threatening stunt. I kept the motionless Bruno enfolded in my arms like a child not wanting to let go of her favorite toy.

The ride was painful, but it didn't even matter now. A part of my soul had already died with my pet.

The hitmen had lost our trail due to the sudden jolt. Kelvin halted the bike for a few minutes behind the shroud of the thick foliage. His face turned pale as he placed his palm on Bruno's hazelnut fur.

"Take him to the hospital," I demanded in a low voice.

"Amy, he is-" Kelvin's voice shattered.

"No..." I wanted to scream, but it only came as a whisper. "My furball can't-"

My heart felt hollow, tears dripping down a never ending void pit.

I knew. I couldn't feel his pulse anymore. But I didn't want to believe it, no matter what the excuse was.

When Kelvin was sure that the hitmen had taken a different route, he started the journey again. He didn't let the grip on my hand falter, probably afraid that I might jump off the bike at any moment. No doubt that I would have definitely done that, only if I had enough strength left in my body at that time to do so.

I can't say how long the ride continued, but it felt like hours. At least there was no more uproar of gunshots. I remained still, completely still. I was paralyzed by the blow. The journey terminated when Kelvin stopped the bike a stone's throw away from a place that appeared something like the threshold of a cave. I honestly didn't care where we were at that time.

Kelvin turned around to embrace Bruno. He didn't let go of the puppy as minutes passed in silence. I had never seen him emotional like this before. He loved Bruno.

I closed my eyes as droplets of tears dribbled down my bruised cheeks and stained Bruno's flawless fur.

"I want to bury him," I breathed. "In the manner he deserves."

"We will bury him," Kelvin whispered, getting off the bike.

Kelvin got off the bike and grabbed an oversized pointed rock from the ground nearby. When he found a suitable spot with smooth soil, he began digging the earth with all his strength. I caressed my pet's fur for the last time as I hugged him tightly.

"Amy," Kelvin called.

A million memories flashed in front of my eyes as I carried Bruno in my arms towards the grave.

The first day I met him on a school trip.

I had found the little puppy in a small carton box covered with newspapers. His previous owner had probably left him there. I chuckled subconsciously remembering how much I had to fight with Pappa for allowing me to keep him.

He was the only one who was always there, during all good and bad memories.

He was there with me in Valdez Mansion, the place where he was almost killed. Yet my strong Bruno made it through; he fought cyanide. I could probably never have mustered the courage to escape Valdez Mansion if he wasn't there. He was a part of everything, a part of all the happy reminiscences in Xaviers' Bungalow.

How could I forget the time when he almost got me killed in the forest because of his barks? This was indeed a very clever way for him to compensate for that. Sacrificed himself to save his master. My smart pet.

But I didn't want it. I could never let go of my furball; he would always be in my heart.

I placed Bruno inside the grave that Kelvin had dug. Kelvin stroked his fur one last time before we both bid him the final farewell, covering him with Earth.

Three years of our togetherness. He was the best companion I ever had.

Kelvin rose up to light a fire with the twigs and branches available. It was cold. The bitter breeze had frozen the blood that oozed from the cuts on my skin.

I remained beside his grave and inscribed the words 'Bruno, The best companion' at the top of the soil using a broken twig. A lone tear fell on the word 'Bruno' as I traced the letters with my fingers.

My left palm was searing with pain. I opened the clasp to expose the key wrapped around the almost torn paper. It was still in my hand.

I unfolded the blood-stained paper for the first time to reveal just one word scribbled on it. One single word that changed everything.


So that's why June left.

Author: I cried while writing this chapter, and it still makes me cry whenever I read it

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Author: I cried while writing this chapter, and it still makes me cry whenever I read it... :(

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