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"Wait, I haven't given my gift yet!" I squeaked.

I ferreted about my vicinity for my gifts until I finally found them beneath Bruno. Thank god there was nothing that the pup could have squashed.

I placed Kelvin's gift on his hand with a subtle smile, asking him to open it. While he was unwrapping it, I tossed June's surprise pillow towards him.

"Whoa, I got a gift too?" Jonas asked in rapture.

He turned the pillow and busted in mirth seeing the inscription.

"Perfectly matches you two," Kelvin commented, still unwrapping his own one.

Kelvin examined the keyring for a while before realizing that it had a secret mini photo frame.

"You can keep your parents' picture there," I whispered. "Then they will always stay with you wherever you go."

Kelvin went silent for a moment as he looked up at me. He was staring at me with his moistened eyes, staring like never before. Those eyes were looking for something in mine. As if without any warning, droplets of tears began rolling down his cheeks.

I had never seen him shed more than a lone tear. It was the champagne probably; he couldn't control or hide his emotions like he usually did.

"Thank you," he muttered, wiping the tears on the sleeves of his shirt.

"Both of you," he added.

"You know-" he mumbled, "-nothing felt like a family again in all these years."

His eyes were fixed at the night sky now.

After a short pause, he continued, "But it does, now."

"I would have probably committed suicide by now if you weren't there bruh," he laughed, turning his head towards Jonas.

"And you Miss Amyra," he said, shifting his glance towards me now.

"Never thought I would say this, but I have laughed wholeheartedly after years ever since you came. At our fights, at your and June's childishness, even at the way you both would forcefully involve me in it. And today, of course."

"Managed to never display it though," he added with a chuckle.

Jonas nudged me by the elbow, leaning in closer to whisper something.

"The champagne seems to have done a great work on Xav Bro," he grinned. "Mr. Detective would have never confessed all these otherwise."

I giggled back. True.

So Mr. Angry Young Man needed champagne to get out of his angry version, eh?

"Did you say something?" Kelvin inquired, getting a hint of our whispers.

"Oh yes, I was saying that we completely forgot about the sky lanterns and fireworks!" Jonas cooked up a pretext.

"Oh yes, that!" I played along.

I grabbed the shopping bag from the corner to uncover the sky lanterns and firework sticks that I had chosen at the mall when Jonas muttered, "Wait, I got another idea."

Before I could ask about his idea, he had already made his way to his room.

"How did you know this is my favourite colour?" I heard Kelvin's voice.

I turned around to see him lifting a blue balloon from the floor in wonder.

"Who knows," I smiled. Maybe my heart did.

Jonas returned in no time just the way he had disappeared like the gush of wind. He had brought a permanent marker.

"The lanterns will have our names," he illuminated as he marked down three of our names on the three lanterns.

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