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I prepared to set out for my mission by myself after disconnecting the call. I decided on dressing in the same black hoodie which I had donned during our journey to the Valdez Mansion. Well, not that I had many options either. I put on Bruno's dog belt around his neck and gripped the other end firmly with my left hand. I wish I had some kind of weapon to take with me; I was going all empty-handed in a risky mission like this. At least Bruno was with me, which gave me some kind of reassurance. I just hoped that he wouldn't start barking at the wrong time.

I secured my medium-long hair into a ponytail and shrouded it under my hoodie. My phone was on silent mode in the right pocket of my denim pants. I glanced at the clock, it was 8:30. I was all set to go.

Just when I was about to slink out of the front door, Xaviers called out. Crap.

"Where are you going at this hour?" he inquired suspiciously.

"Wa-walk," I gave away the first excuse that popped into my mind. "I'm going out for a walk with Bruno."

He raised his eyebrows in suspicion and examined my mysterious outfit.

"It's too late now," he stated.

"So? It's my life, my choice. And anyway, I'm pretty sure that you will be happy enough to get rid of me if someone kidnaps me on the way," I shrugged.

"Whatever you wish."

He went back into the room without arguing further. Should I have told him?

I grabbed a taxi and gave the driver the address of the forest that I had collected from Google Maps after relentless searching. He was surprised, as expected. Well, it's not every day you find a nineteen-year-old passenger with a dog wanting a ride to a mysterious forest at such late hours. I myself had no clue why Uncle Nick had chosen this spot out of all places. The journey wasn't too long; it was 10 minutes to nine when we reached there, that's what my phone's clock said. I paid the driver using Pappa's credit card which I had brought with me. He departed with an evidently perplexed face, leaving me and Bruno all alone at the threshold of that deserted ominous forest.

The frigid gust puffing in the crisp atmosphere pierced my delicate face, threatening me not to step any further. I disregarded the warning by setting one foot forward towards the maze of the forest floor. With every twig crunching and leaves crackling under the weight of my feet, a shiver ran down my spinal cord. The veil of skeletal trees I passed underneath reminded me of a silent monster haunting over the blanket of emerald foliage, prepared to intimidate anyone who dares to venture towards the tangled heart of the woodland. Skeleton trees sprawled out in series with their branches taking in creepy forms, just to add a new dimension to the picturesque presentation of a live horror movie. Beads of cold sweat were dripping down my forehead as the dense fog of terror continued to envelop the ambience. I braced my heart and soul against the threats of the forest and decided on a decent spot to settle for spying.

No matter where they plan on meeting, they have to enter through this way, I analyzed as I cloaked myself behind a dense bush with Bruno just a few meters away from the entrance.

It was two minutes to nine; they must be here anytime soon.

I didn't have to wait much. I clearly recognized Uncle Nick's Mercedes-Benz as it whooshed into the woodland with its headlights flashing bright and came to a halt, not too far from my hiding aspot. I skulked forward with careful steps to get a better view.

A man disguised in a dark hoodie got down from a motorbike, the arrival of which I hadn't noticed. A tall black figure got down from the car simultaneously as both of them started approaching each other. It was Uncle Nick.

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