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A storm seemed to hint its arrival; not the life's storm I was anticipating though, the literal one. The sky was blemished with a dome of nimbus clouds since morning, blotting the zenith with patches of cocktail blue. I observed the weather from a comfortable position, with Bruno relaxing on my lap, through the open window at the bedside. The clouds condensed as they diverged across the vivid landscape, blocking out even the slightest golden ray of the already obscured sun. Thunder cracked in the distance while the clouds released their first droplets of pure water on Mother Earth's surface as a response. Pitter-patter resonance reverberated as rain pellets drizzled upon the concrete roof. I outstretched my hand out of the window as if trying to catch a few droplets.

There was a knock on the door. Jonas came hopping in, his hair and t-shirt drenched slightly at places.

"Got the groceries just now. Asked Mrs. Arabella to make some warm bread bowl soup and baked potatoes," he said curiously while rubbing his hands together to warm them up.

I giggled eagerly. Bread bowl soup and baked potatoes made the perfect combo for a rainy day.

"By the way Amy, I saw your clothes in the yard, you should bring them inside."

My clothes. How could I forget about them!

I had brought only a few pairs with me and I had been piling all of them up these days, expecting that I'll find a way to get them washed. Not finding any, I had washed them last night; yes, I washed my clothes by myself for the first time in my life.

I had left them for drying in the yard, they must be all wet again in the rain by now...

I got up so hastily that Bruno almost tumbled down to the floor. Jonas probably got worried seeing me rush downstairs in such a hurry because I soon perceived the echo of his footsteps following me. I didn't stumble down the stairs just by luck. Well, it all went in vain; my clothes were already fully drenched by the time I reached.

"You should have informed me before that you are planning on a race down the stairs," Jonas jested while panting heavily.

We both glanced up at the sound of Bruno's sudden barks.

"See, he also knows about the race."

I guffawed wholeheartedly at that, forgetting that I was supposed to be worried about my clothes at that moment.

"When was the last time you had a water balloon fight in rain?" Jonas asked curiously, looking at the downpour.

"Water balloon fight?" I repeated.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you have never done it!"

I shook my head. I was never allowed to drench in the rain back at our house. Pappa always used to forbid me saying that I would catch a cold.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let me bring the balloons, I should have some upstairs!"

Jonas was already gone even before I could respond. He came back a while later with a handful of water balloons of multi-colors.

"June but-" I interrupted as he prepared to hop into the yard, "-all my clothes are wet and the one I'm wearing now is the only one left, so I can't go."

"Why fear when June's here? I'll lend you one of my shirts, no worries," he assured in high spirits.

"Now let's goooooo!"

I always wanted to try out things that I had never got the privilege to do in my mansion, and it seemed like the perfect time. We both sprang out into the yard, Bruno following us.

Jonas explained the rules to me; each of us would have five balloons which we had to fill to the brim with rainwater one by one, and then shoot the other person with it successfully. The one who finishes first wins.

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