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I felt a warm touch on my shoulder. It was June's hand.


"He'll come back soon," I whispered, probably trying to console myself with that sentence.

"I know he will," Jonas consoled back.

We got into the car and started on a colorless journey that felt never-ending. The traditional 'born-to-talk' Jonas remained unusually quiet as meters stretched into miles. I didn't know how to approach him about Mr. Amberson either.

"June," I called at one point, breaking the awful silence.

As if he had read my mind, he replied directly with the answer to the question that was on my lips.

"Dad isn't involved with Uncle Josh, Amy."

"So you had actually left after seeing his name on the paper?" I asked to clear everything out.

He nodded.

"I needed to talk to him about it, so I left for Amberson House."

"I'm sorry for behaving like that yesterday, Amy. I saw no other option at that moment, you know..." he added with a note of guilt.

"I know. You did the best thing you could do at that time," I said honestly with a feeble smile.

I was kind of glad that it wasn't Mr. Amberson. But then again, that gave rise to a lot more questions in my head which were desperately seeking for answers.

"I've something else to tell you, Amy," Jonas imparted.

"Show you, actually," he corrected. "Once we reach."

So many things were happening so expeditiously recently that now June's words didn't even bother to push me into conjecturing about what was coming. Let it come.

We both went back into our silent mode again. Jonas just spoke once more to inform me about Mrs. Arabella's whereabouts. She was staying at her sister's house now; thankfully mom had warned her last night just on time.

I felt relieved to know that she was safe. She would be completely devastated when she gets to know about Bruno. She was so attached to him...

Mom was already watching out for our arrival in the lawn when we reached. I left Kelvin's jacket in the car, although I didn't at all feel like letting go of its warmth. Mom embraced me in a tight hug as soon as I stepped out of the car and started sobbing her heart out.

"Are you okay Amy?" she asked anxiously, hastily checking my wounds.

"I'm fine Mumma, don't worry," I assured, but she didn't seem much convinced.

"Where's Xaviers?" she inquired with a worried look when she couldn't spot him around.

"Xav Bro has gone to the bureau," Jonas answered. "He was saying about presenting some evidence to the officers."

"Pappa's autopsy report," I elaborated. "The heart attack was planned by Uncle Josh."

Mom didn't give any vocal reaction although the shock was visible on her face, not that I had expected her to give one either. I could understand the struggle in her head and heart regarding how to feel about dad.

We entered the house to find Mr. Amberson waiting on a sofa with a standard-sized steel box in front of him. It was a locker.

"Amy, there's a reason dad's name was in the paper," Jonas divulged at last.

Mr. Amberson rose to provide the succeeding narratives.

"Nick wrote my name in the paper with the key because the locker is with me."

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