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Everything happens for a reason. At least that's what we're told.

Everything single thing that has happened in your life has prepared you for a moment that is yet to come.

If that were true, then every single moment that she went through — it all leads up to him. Meeting him was inevitable, and it was bound to happen. She was supposed to meet the golden-haired, golden-eyed beauty — and she couldn't say that she regretted it.

Maybe she deserved it. Maybe this was her karma for all the stunts she's pulled. Maybe she deserved to be counting her last breaths, staring at a blank ceiling — hoping for a last savior, knowing that it wasn't going to come.

This was the end.

She knew it — and the monster in the corner knew it. He set it up that way. This was all in his plan from the beginning. She walked right into his trap, knowing that this would be the outcome; and for what?

For him.

She walked into the trap for him. To allow him to see another sunrise, to spend another day breathing. He was worth that to her. She wanted him to continue to live his endless life, while she sacrificed herself — how melodramatic of her. Knowing that it'll take more than enough effort to harm him, while she goes down with one swing. How selfless.

Except maybe it wasn't. Maybe she was being selfish. She knew that she couldn't bear to spend a day without him living. She didn't want to see another sunrise, knowing he wouldn't be there. She knew she would never make it out of such a heartbreak — and it was selfish of her to think he'd be okay. At least she hoped he would.

"Come on — wake up!"

Voices. She could hear mutters and screams around her. She couldn't pinpoint a singular voice, they were all muddling into one. Her whole body felt cold, like all the heat left ages ago. It was almost painful being this cold; it felt like her skin was on fire from the icy burns.

"Open your eyes, please!"

She was sure it was an Angel. That voice could lure her into an abyss without her contemplating twice. She was sure she was in Heaven — and she didn't want to disappoint the beautiful voice.

With as much effort as she could give, even though it pained her to do — she opened her eyes.

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Unbroken || J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now