Chapter 8 Sisters

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Raps " You know what Pascal when Cass betrayed me and grabbed the moonstone and I told her that after being Gothel's daughter that makes us sister's I have a feeling that she is my sister, a sister that I never had before."

King Frederick " Rapunzel I have something to tell you."

Raps " Ok."

King Frederick " There has been a secret that I have been keeping from you and Cassandra for the longest time and I think now is the right time that I should tell you what I have been hiding."

Raps " Ok I'm all ears."

King Frederick " After hearing you talking about Cassandra and the moonstone and the sister thing... well I married another women before your mother."

Raps " What 😱?"

Eugene " I was just walking by looking for Rapunzel and I couldn't happened to notice that you married another women before Rapunzel's mother!?"

King Frederick " Yes this is true."

Eugene " Then please king go on."

King Frederick " Well the first person that I married  was Mother Gothel."

Eugene " Oh this just got real."

Raps " This is surprising."

King Frederick " I fell in love with Mother Gothel and we both got married and then Cassandra was born, until one day Mother Gothel left and never came back and Cassandra was with her. I thought I lost her and Cassandra but I didn't realize that Mother Gothel was using the sun flower the whole time. That's when I met your mother and fell in love with her not realizing Mother Gothel was still alive nor Cassandra. We both got married, until she got vary sick and I had to use the flower because I couldn't bare to see another women I loved dead, but then you were born  Rapunzel, until I found out the one who has been keeping you locked up in a tower for 18 teen long years but your 20 years old now. When the captain of the guards raise Cassandra it was nice to see my little girl again. I was going to tell you and Cassandra sooner but you were following the rocks and then the whole moonstone thing it all happened too fast. That is the whole story so basically you and Cassandra are half sister's."

Eugene " Did your hear that sunshine the sister that you never had is your half sister."

Raps " I'm shock and happy at the same time 😀😱!"

Raps said jumping for joy.

Raps " when are you going to tell Cass?"

King Frederick " When I eventually get to see her."

Raps " Ok."

Eugene " Honestly that was the most shocking thing that I have ever heard."

Raps " I'm happy that the person that I thought was my best friend is my sister!"

Varian " Sorry Rapunzel but don't take this the wrong way but I kind of... eavesdroped in your dad's conversation and I heard the whole story and I can't believe that Cassie is your sister!"

Raps " That's ok Varian but I know right!"

Cass " Hey you guys."

Raps " Cass I'm so glad that you are here because the king wants to tell you something."

Cass " Ok."

Minutes later king Frederick told Cass the whole story on how she and Raps were sister's.

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