Chapter Three

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      I leave The Academy once again, slipping past unnoticed by any other students or teachers. The air outside already seems colder, after only twenty or so minutes, and the sun's began to dip beneath the trees that surround The Academy on all sides. It casts long, wavy shadows from the trees that sway slightly in the breeze, alternately bathing me in sun and casting me in a weak shadow as I near the gates that block of the driveway from the side street of where our school is located

      Once I reach them, I swipe my ID card under a small scanner that seems almost too modern for the wrought iron gates set in a fence of stone. The locks inside the iron click in response, allowing me to push open one of the heavy sides; just enough to slip past, before I close them behind me and let them click shut.

      "I figured this was where you disappeared to." The voice makes me jump, my hear racing as I whirl around in the dark shadows created by the buildings to my left and the trees that are now to my back. My breath catches in my throat, making a heavy gasping sound, before I begin to breathe slowly to try to steady my heart.

      "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Diego says sincerely, although his eyes are lifted into an amused grin that shines through his eyes as well. He takes a step towards me in the alley, his hands deep inside the pockets of his jacket, and as I stare at him, I can't help feeling as if meeting him this time is different.

      "It's okay," I breathe, trying to sound nonchalant as I offer him a smile. "I just didn't see you there with the shadows and all. I didn't expect you to be out here." I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly even more chilled in the heavy shadows, and feel my feet involuntarily shift back slightly, close to the gates, as Diego takes another easy step towards me.

      "I wasn't expecting to be here, either, but I noticed that you left this on the counter at Anne's and I wanted to return it to you." He takes one more step towards me and extends his hand, and in it, I see the dark surface of my phone surrounded by its thick periwinkle-colored case. "I tried to follow you, but once you came down this alley I lose you. I figured you went here, then," he motions towards the gates of The Academy. "Either that or you just vanished into thin air."

      "Wow, I didn't even notice that I had lost it," I say in a whisper as I reach forward. I close my fingers around my phone, surprised when they brush Diego's and feel that is skin is remarkably warm. I almost want to let my hand linger there, but instead pull it away more sharply than necessary, tucking my hand and phone away in the pocket of my jacket, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Not only did I not notice that my phone was missing, but I don't remember ever taking it from my pocket. I know I had slipped my hand inside to reach my dollar bills, but the crumpled up green was the only thing I had removed. At least, that was my memory.

      "You're welcome," Diego says, even though I never actually said thank you.

      "Thanks." I make a movement to turn back to the gates, suddenly finding no reason to want to see Diego again. The feeling in my stomach is unsettling, and I can't exactly pinpoint what it is, which makes me feel even worse. I almost feel as if I'm in danger, but then my mind is telling me that I'm being ridiculous and there's no reason for me to be afraid of Diego, resulting in my conflict. I do know that I want to slip beyond the gates, where I know nobody can enter, and hope the feeling will go away. I barely make it a half a step away, though, before I hear Diego's shoes scuffing against the ground and his voice reaching my ears.

      "Is that why you're out here?" he asks, and when I turn, I'm stunned at how little space is between us.

      "What?" It's not the best response, but his proximity and the increasingly overwhelming sense of danger is jumbling my thoughts, causing my breathing to become heavier, and I hope he can't notice.

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