Chapter 2: The Koalisi's of District 12

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I heard a small knock on the front door.
"Knock knock," it sounded again.
I checked the time. She was right on schedule. I went up to the door and opened it. There was Sony, a 15-year-old girl, with a brown burlap sack slung over her shoulder. We had always relied on Sony, the daughter of my mother's best friend, to bring us meat and game. I had tried my hand at it, but never had been successful, and had never let in to my siblings pleading cries of wanting.
"Thank you Sony!" I said as she gave me a rabbit and a turkey from her sack.
"Hey, is that Sony?" My brother inquired from inside.
"Yes it is! She brought us meat!" I called back, maybe a little too loudly.
They all came rushing to the door to see her and give her their thanks. Sony was always the quiet type, but she gave a big smile and a wave as she went on for her future deliveries. I closed the door, and went back to the task of mothering Ore, Ember, and Cinder.

-meanwhile- (Sony's POV)

I walked along the dirt streets, taking around my deliveries. I had just given the Koalisi's their share, and was walking on to find the Minn's.
I noticed a bird, perched on a rooftop, singing a song of happiness as something was placed over my face and I was dragged away.

-later- (Ash's POV)

"Mom!" I cried as she walked through the door, nearly past 9, "What took you so long? Your soup is probably frozen by now. I'll have to heat it up for you. It's made with rabbit, a few onions, some-"
"Ash, stop," she said firmly, "You need to hear what I have to tell you before I break down in sobs."
My mom never spoke like this, and I was very concerned. I stayed silent.
"They took Sony away. For having illegal meat. They'll probably find out she goes under the fence."
And with that, we both started to cry.
"How did they find out?" I asked through sobs. "The Peacekeepers never care!"
"The rumor is that some visiting Capitol peacekeeper was taking a tour, and heard a shout of meat," she cried a bit and then said, "The Capitol Peacekeeper, with some district ones reluctantly following, found her with the bag and took her away. Heaven knows what will happen to her."
"They heard a shout?"
Then it all came back to me.
I had shouted to Cinder about Sony having meat. It was too loud in a silent town. Too loud. They heard me.
I sobbed and sobbed with grief and shame. How could I have been so foolish? My siblings came down and heard the news, and cried alongside me. But nothing could match the waterfalls bursting from my eyes, and the heaviness threatening time pull my heart into pieces.

Yah, this is kinda short. But I promise they will get longer when we get farther ahead!

Thanks for reading!

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