Epilogue- To Face My Fears

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About a week after the hobbits, accompanied by Gandalf and most of the elves, left for Rivendell, Aragorn called me to his study. "Come in," he said wearily as I knocked on the door. I swung it open and closed it behind me.

A very disheveled Aragorn sat behind a desk loaded with heaps of paper and books and scrolls. He held a quill between his teeth as he reached for a sheet of parchment. I noticed that pots of ink in five different colors- red, blue, green, black, and purple- sat to the side. Finding the paper he was looking for, Aragorn set it down in front of him, took the quill in hand, and stood up.

"You look exhausted," I noted.

"Who knew that being king meant so much paperwork?" he said with a tired smile. "Everyone wants me to address their problems at once. The nobles complain because I'm seeing to commoners' problems before theirs, the commoners complain because the city still smells of orcs, and Arwen complains because I don't spend any time with her." I laughed.

"More than you bargained for?"

"Yep." He sighed, holding the paper up to read it. "You know that Legolas is riding to Mirkwood?"

"He told me some time ago," I responded, tugging at the edge of my surcoat. "It's to bring elves south?" Aragorn nodded.

"I want you to go with him, as a Gondorian ambassador."

"Me?!" I exclaimed. "I'm not a diplomat, I'm-I'm a warrior!" Aragorn gave me another tired smile.

"I don't know any of my diplomats well enough to know which one to send."

"Aragorn, I am more likely to kill the problem than to talk it out."

"I know, but you're my best option." I sighed. Memoried from the past flashed in my mind. A dark dungeon, a gleaming knife, a spurt of scarlet blood- my blood.

"Aragorn, Mirkwood..."

"I know," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Lyrasael, now you have the Prince on your side." A little softer, he added, "It's time to face your fears." For years I had not thought about that place unless I wanted to channel my anger as energy. Aragorn was right. It was time to face my fears, fear was an unhealthy thing in a warrior.

"I'll do it," I said, putting on a brave face, though I was a nervous wreck on the inside. "I'll take the matter to Mirkwood." Aragorn exhaled in relief.

"Thank you, Lyrasael." He circled the desk, picking up the letter. He sat down and dripped hot wax on it. After a moment, he sealed it with the ring on his finger- the Ring of Barahir. "Be careful, Lyrasael. I would be very unhappy if you are taken a prisoner," he said, handing the sealed letter to me. "Legolas is leaving tomorrow at dawn. I have not told him that you are going with him."

"Your Majesty," I said, mock-bowing before exiting. I heard him chuckle, then the rustly of paper.

The rest of the day I spent in the lower level of the city, where the orcs had done the most damage. Many of the people had returned to find their houses in ruins, and I had gathered some soldiers to help. Many of the citizens were surprised at this; I gathered that it was not customary for nobles to take heed of their problems. Much is about to change, I thought as I lifted a large stone with one of the men- Commander Hithegond, I think.


The next morning, I woke before dawn and put on my Guard uniform and cloak. Taking my sword and bow but opting to leave most of the daggers behind, I packed a bedroll along with some other necessities, like flint and tinder. When I finished, I pushed my door open and silently exited the palace.

My pack slung over my shoulder, I hurried to the stables where Daelen was. I quickly got him ready for the long journey and mounted up, trotting down to the largest city square where I knew Legolas would be waiting for his ambassador.  I found him clutching Arod's reins, almost dozing off.

"Waiting for someone?" I asked as Daelen's hooves clip-clopped to a stop beside Arod.

"You're the ambassador?" he said with evident surprise.

"I didn't know until yesterday. Come on, let's go." Legolas nodded an agreement and led the way out of the mangles city gate which Gimli would later be fixing.

We had barely ridden a league or so when the sun rose. I stopped for a moment, standing up in my stirrups and turning back to look at the White City, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver in the sunrise. My wandering days were over, and I had finally found a place to call home.

"Come on, melleth nin," Legolas said, a little impatient to get to his home. "Minas Tirith will still be standing when we get back."

"I hope," I said with a small laugh, riding up to him. "Who knows what Aragorn and Eowyn can manage in our absence?" Legolas laughed. "Race you to the Anduin!" I was engulfed in his dust before I even finished my sentence. I grinned, then spurred Daelen after him.

A/N: I finally finished my first story! Yay for me! *Applause from Darth Feanor and Darth Maedhros* I can finally click the 'completed' thing in the settings. Thanks for reading this rather bad book, and please check out the story I might start either tomorrow or next weekend, which will be the prequel my brother has begged of me: Lyrasael and Thorin. In the meantime, I have a book going on called Legacy of the Dispossessed, one called Ranger that I just started, and one called A Cure to the Coronavirus (the first two are LotR stories, the second is a Hobbits story). Keep reading, keep being awesome, and stay safe (and sane)!
Darth Feanor: Goodbye, and please return my lightsaber if you find it.
Darth Maedhros: Dad...
Darth Feanor: What? It's still missing!
Darth Maedhros: ...

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