Part 8

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**Off's POV**

Without looking back at him, I grab my clothes that were thrown around the room.

Gun not knowing that I am actually sober. All of that stuff that I drank out of the red cups was just water.

Off: Trying to keep a straight face. "Good, can you leave me alone now? Your kind of really distracting and kind of annoying. I also have no interest in the school playboy."

As I walk out of the room, I can feel his sadness all the way from here but I am not going to back down. This guy has been clinging to me all week like I'm something to eat, so I gave him what he wanted so he could leave me alone. I don't need the school playboy bringing attention to me.

I like to stay in the shadows as much as I can, I can't help that there's rumors about me going around the school but I mean. What am I supposed to do about that? It's not like the rumors are false, just a little exaggerated.

I did get really drunk at a party and sleep with a guy but that was it. I never did that again. That's why I don't actually drink at party's anymore because I had this one close encounter where three guys wanted to hook up at once and thankfully they understood the word no even when drunk.

I actually prefer girls but Gun has officially been the second guy or person period that I've slept with.

How is it that, I've slept with two guys but not one single girl. Does that seem right?

Anyways, I know all about how Gun sleeps on and off with basically every guy in our school and I am not going to be any part of it. I figured it would be easier to just fulfill his curiosity and then ignore him.

He'll probably leave me alone now. He just needs to find a new target.

Perth: He walks up to me through the throng of people. " Hey man, where is Gun? I have to go home soon and I'm his ride."


Off: Trying to speak up over the noise. "When do you need to be home?"

Perth: "In about 10 min, if I'm home later than 1 my dad is going to kill me. Plus, Mew is probably home already."

I can't tell him that Gun is in my room naked. He would probably punch me into next week. Especially since I was just a mega douche to him too. Gun might be the school slut but he is still a person. I'd be dead meat.

Off: Gritting my teeth. "Uhm... It's cool man, you go home. I'll bring Gun home once he gets tired..."

Perth: He lights up and playfully punches me in the shoulder. " Thanks man, I seriously owe you one. Tell Gun I'm sorry for me. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

Fuckkk... What did I just do?

Wasn't the whole point of doing what I just did to get Gun out of my life. Why did I agree to help. I'm so stupid.

*sigh* I turn around on my heels and slowly open my bedroom door.

Gun is nowhere to be found...

I hear the shower running and walk over to my bathroom. I guess I'm not really surprised. I did kind of make him really dirty. My bad...

I really should not be feeling bad right now...

I knock on the door and wait for a response.


I knock again and still no answer.

Slowly opening the door, I peak my head in to see Gun resting against the shower wall lost in his thoughts.

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