The Last Will and Testament of Kokichi Oma: Chapter 1 - Finding Forgiveness

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Maki's POV:

My name is Maki Harukawa, I was the Ultimate Assassin in the 53rd season of Danganronpa. I am one of only three survivors. Or at least that's what I thought.

I go to my apartment door to check for mail. There's a single purple envelope, on it are the words; The Last Will and Testament of Kokichi Oma.

That little brat. I think. Won't even leave me alone when he's dead.

I reluctantly open the envelope. Inside is a photograph. It's of the two of us. A message is written in purple marker on the photo.

Happy Birthday Sis!

Sis? I think, shocked. I examine the photo, I recognize where we are. It's the orphanage I grew up in.

I turn the photo over, on the back is another message.


I know we didn't get along well, but I forgive you. I thought you'd want to see this.

Kokichi Oma.

Shuichi's POV:

My name is Shuichi Saihara, I was the Ultimate Detective in the 53rd season of Danganronpa. It's been over a year since we escaped the game, I'm now in college, trying to live a normal life. I head to to the front door of my apartment to grab the paper. On the ground on his doorstep was a note in a purple envelope.
Who could be sending this, I think to myself.
I examine the letter, no stamp, no address, The Last Will and Testament of Kokichi Oma. My hands shaking, I open up the envelope. Inside there is a short note.

Meet me at the Ultimate Academy, in the Computer Room.

Love Always,

Kokichi Oma.

I feel a tear trickle down my face. Was he really serious that whole time? Where his feelings not a lie? I feel a sinking feeling. It's too late now. He's gone.

I pick up my phone, and call Maki.

Kokichi's POV:

My name is Kokichi Oma, I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader. I sacrificed myself to create an unsolvable murder, and help to turn the audience against the Killing Game.

But everything I just said is a lie. I'm not the Ultimate Supreme Leader, that was a talent that was assigned to me, I didn't sacrifice myself, because I'm not Kokichi Oma, I'm a computer program with his memories and personality. The truth is that I promised Shuichi I'd help him save everyone. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Shuichi's POV:

The three of us arrived at the old school at around the same time. We where all hesitant to enter the ruins, where we still had so many painful memories. We walk through the rubble in silence.

Eventually, we arrive in the ruins of the computer room. I slowly place the VR helmet on, remembering the last time I had. When I came out of the simulation, my classmate had been murdered. I push those thoughts out of my head.

Kokichi's POV:

I see Shuichi appear as he enters the simulation.

"Hey Shumai!" I say excitedly. "Didja miss me!?"

I quickly notice Shuichi's eyes are red. A tear is running down his face.

"Shumai, are you OK?" I ask "What's wrong?"

Shuichi gives a me sad smile, "Yeah, I missed you Kichi"

"Did it work?" I ask. "Did we win?"

"Yeah, we won. We're safe now." Shuichi says to me. I feel a smile come across my face.

I approach Shuichi and start fiddling with my hair. "Shuichi, I never got the chance to tell you. I-"

Before i can finish my sentence, I feel Shuichi's lips press into mine.

"I know Kichi, I love you too." Shuichi says

Shit, I'm blushing. I think, making me even more embarrassed. Eventually, we break the kiss. I smile at Shuichi. Atua he's pretty, I think to myself.

"So," I say, looking at him happily, "we've got some catching up to do."

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