Prologue: Enter (Y/n)!

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I know I took the path that you would never want for me. I know I let you down tonight.

"Yo (y/n) get your ass up missy, mom and I are leaving in thirty minutes and I won't be sorry when you don't get to say goodbye to your favorite older brother and as he heads for fame and fortune as a private investigator!"

You were abruptly pulled out of your warm and comfortable safe haven as your face met the floor. You sprang up and dashed at your older brother yelling up a storm.

"Damn it August John!"

"Hey! Watch your mouth- stairs! STAIRS!"

So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up for me, well I'm just a slave unto the night.

"Seriously you two, you're lucky you didn't break anything- hey- hey look at me!" Your mom snapped her fingers.

You locked gaze with August who stuck his tongue out at you and blew a raspberry. You did the same thing back to him. Your dad slapped the back of your head making you groan and rub your head. Your brother snickered before receiving a slap to the back of his head as well making you smirk.

"What are we going to do without all this noise around the house?" Your dad spoke in a raspy and exhausted tone.

"Maybe get some peace and quiet around for once." Your mom replied sarcastically.

"Though I highly doubt it with our little devil still here for another nine to ten years." Your brother chirps from the other room.


Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me. Remember when I broke you down to tears.

"Bye August! I won't miss you!" You said as your brother loaded the last of his luggage into the car.

"Liar you're going to be so bored without 'mwah' around! Then you'll beg me to come home!" He threw his head back and flipped the tufts of hair on his head.

"Doubt it! I'll enjoy having my own room!"

"You know you love me~" August cooed teasingly.

"Eh, I do. Send me a picture when you get to California. And try not to miss me on the way there!"

"Me miss you?! With that snore you have that shakes the earth? Hah! You wish!"

"I do not snore! You do!" You tackled him.

I know I took the path that you would never want for me, I gave you hell through all the years.

You we're kissed on the head by your mom while August blew a raspberry at you.

"Bye bye fart face! Love you! Try not to miss me too much!" He hollered at you mockingly yet with a tone of adoration.

You waved at the retreating car and slowly moved to head inside. Although you would never admit it out loud, you secretly already missed your big brother.

"They'll be back." Your dad said and patted your head.

"You know you can never keep them away for long."

Your eyes glanced one last time at the horizon where the car had disappeared then went inside your house.

So, I bet my life for you.

"... I see. No survivors? And the man?... Yes I understand, thank you. Good night." Your dad hung up the phone and turned to you.

"They're gone. Your mother and August. A drunk truck driver hit them." Your dad let out an ugly sob and grabbed you to hug you.

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