I think his name was Baxter Stockman

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"All right, Mikey, but this is the last time!" Raph said on all fours to the ground.

"But don't flip me this time" Donnie adds.

"Ate too much cheese." Leo mumbled.

"And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I can't believe he talked us into this." Raph mutters.

"Ya! Booyakasha!" Mikey jumps off and skates down the ramp.

Just then you and Splinter walk into the living room.

"What is going on in here?" Splinter demands

"Sensei! (Y/n)!" Leo says standing up straight.

"Whoa!" Mikey loses balance and crashes into the other three boys making you snort then laugh while holding your stomach.

"How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?" Splinter scolds.

"None, Sensei.-" Mikey starts but Splinter interrupts.

"I shouldn't have to tell you!"

"You're right, Sensei. We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. Eh, some." Leo says then hesitates.

"And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Splinter asks.

"Well, uh, we we should clean up our mess? And then think about what we did.-" Leo says.


"Sounds about right.-"

"We were wrong.-"

"Wouldn't want to do too much. No worries." The others chime in.

"What about being grounded for a week?" Splinter asks as you try to hold in your laughter.

"Oh, I'm not sure that's-" Leo stammers.

"I'm cool with the thinking." Mikey adds.

"Really, that's not necessary." Raph interjects.

"Maybe next time." Donnie shrugs.

"You're grounded for a week!" Splinter exclaims.

All four turtles moaned, and as for that, the skateboard ramp collapse leaving an even more mess. You pulled yourself together and smiled softly. You felt bad but you also could feel it coming. You sipped your tea and walked away to the kitchen. Later the boys finished cleaning up the mess.

"Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" Raph exclaimed annoyed.

"Eh it's not that bad, at least Splinter still lets you see me." You say and flip your hair sticking your tongue out a little.

Raph snorts.

"Lucky us."


"Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?" Donnie says running out from the lab.

"This is how bored I am." Raph says addressing his other two brothers and you.

"Yes, Donnie. I do."

"Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?"


"Yes." You say.

"Well, I found an incredibly advanced A. I. microchip, made from Get this! Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!" Donnie exclaims ecstatic.

"That's my favorite kind of copolymer." Mikey says not really understanding.

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