Panic in the Sewers

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(Warning mentions of violence and dark themes ahead)

"Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty guys." Leo stealthily slinks around as the four of them are out on patrol.

"FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called-"

"Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." Mikey interrupts Donnie's monologue.

Raph gives a good hit to the back of Donnie's head and laughs as he shuts up stumbling forward.

"Found it!"

The atmosphere suddenly shifts as the air seems to become something dark and more sinister. The boys tense up as the air becomes so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"And I've found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live." The looming form of Shredder stands just a few feet away.

"Wouldn't wanna be them." Mikey gulps.

"We are them." Raph growls taking a defensive position.

Shredder lunges at them easily taking Mikey down. There's a scream as he's pulled into the dark.

"Mikey!" Donnie yells.

"Raph, take him down!" Leo yells but no one is quick enough as Raph is pulled into the seeping darkness, the sound of bloodcurdling screams and bones cracking sends a sickening chill down the spine.

Donnie screams and is pulled into the darkness leaving Leo alone on his knees in shock.

"No!" Leo screams in agony and gets up again racing to find his brothers, but finds himself in the same spot.

"There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you! You think you are ready to face me? I'll destroy everything you've ever loved and then I'll rid you from this world."

Shredder brings you into view for Leo to watch in helpless horror now unable to move as you are stabbed in the back with those claw like knifes going through your heart like butter. Your once bright sunny eyes are now dull and lifeless. Leo screams grabbing at your form and Shredder goes in for the final kill.


Splinter sits up gasping and inhales giant gulps of air shaking from the nightmare. He quickly gets up rushing out to make sure his sons are okay. You sit on the sofa eating something while all four turtles are safe and sound talking.

"Come on!" Raph calls heading towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Splinter says in a firm voice surprising everyone as you look at him.

"Heading out for our evening patrol." Leo says tilting his head.

"There will be no patrol." Splinter states.

You five look at each other surprised at the way Splinter is acting.

"Sensei?" Leo asks.

"Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives."

"But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready." Leo says trying to reassure his father of whatever is mysteriously gotten him into such a mood.

"Yes because you will stay down here until you are ready. No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training Starting now! That includes you (Y/n), we have been to slow on your training, starting today you train with the boys and with April." Splinter commands leaving everyone shocked.

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