The Gauntlet

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It was another day at the lair, Leo, Raph and you were in the dojo as you practiced your fighting skills and stance. But, today was a bit different than most when you came to hang out or train at the lair. Recently the guys had been a bit weird for reasons unbeknownst to you. Donnie acted nervously around you and tried to come up with excuses of why he couldn't hang out with you, Raph and Leo had some unofficial competition to see who was better at teaching you, Mikey was especially clingy today and kept making stuff for you or trying to get your attention until you had to go home or he was distracted by new episodes of his favorite TV series. All four of them also called your phone a lot more often making sure you were safe and fine or wanting to rant about the day or try to hang out. You now stood in the dojo with Leo and Raph as they silently watched you train. You kicked your leg out hitting your target perfectly without messing up your form.

"Yes!" You grinned and celebrated.

Leo clapped and Raph chuckled.

"That was decent. All thanks to me." Raph says pushing Leo's buttons.

"What?! No! She trains with me way more-"

"Check it out, guys. We are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level." Donnie exclaimed interrupting the argument before it could escalate making the three of you turn to look at him.

He throws down something that looks like an egg and smoke rises up for a few seconds then, seemingly teleports to the other side of you.

"Cool." Leo says then elbows Raph.

Before Raph could do anything you get in between them and examine what Donnie had. Donnie slightly tensed as you got closer to him and his cheeks lit up.

"That's amazing Donnie! You and your big brain." You tease giggling and shower him with praise.

"Uh- L-last night, I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs! -Now, to make 'em, I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it, slowly blow out the contents, wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax." Donnie explains smiling like a dope.

"Blah, blah, science, blah. Do it again!" Raph interrupts Donnie's explanation making you groan.

"What I'm trying to tell you guys is, they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." Donnie says annoyed.

"I'm making breakfast! Who wants omelets?" Mikey calls from the kitchen.


Donnie's eyes widen.

"Mikey, don't!"

There's an explosion signifying Donnie's warning was too late.

"Uh, I think that was a rotten egg." Mikey shakes his head stumbling slightly into the dojo with a few eggs in his arms.

"Those aren't eggs, Mikey. They're ninja smoke bombs." Donnie corrects.

Mikey looks at the eggs and a wide grin spreads on his face.

"Shut up. This is the best day of my life!" He exclaimed and threw one down making him seemingly teleport around.

"Mikey, stop!" Donnie yells frantically.

Mikey teleports and appears in front of you picking you up seemingly without effort. You squeal as he twirls you around and teleports over to Donnie.

"I love you, man. Seriously." Mikey exclaims side hugging Donnie.

In his excitement you are dropped to the floor landing on your back with a loud thud. You make a noise of surprise as the wind is knocked out of you for a second then inhale deeply coughing as you choke on your own spit.

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