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❝ Why do you have my friend's handkerchief? ❞

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Why do you have my friend's handkerchief?


"Hey, we're here," Mark said, shaking her shoulder.

She opened her eyes, squinting as the light that illuminated from the windows nearby hit them. She yawned and stood up, following after Mark. They gathered their duffle bags from the small compartment and waited for their turn to walk out. As soon as they made it out of their gate, she scanned the room, looking for her brother.

She smiled as she spotted Jeno, waving hysterically. She laughed at him before running towards him. He held his arms wide open, waiting for her hug. She tackled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and tightened the hug. He rocked their figures back and forth before letting go.

"You lied to me," Jeno said, frowning. "You said you would come and visit."

"I know, I'm sorry... I couldn't find the time to come back," She said, guilty.

"But I'm here now! Did you miss me, my dear twin?" She asked, spreading her arms wide to pull him into a hug.

"Yes, now move," He said, shoving her aside. "Mark!"

She stumbled back, scoffing as she watched Mark walking towards them with a laugh. Jeno greeted him with a big hug and a handshake.

"Wow, nice to see that you clearly missed me," She said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be selfish," Mark said, crossing his arms. "You already had your turn." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Whatever, let's just go," She said, pulling her luggage with her.

"Wait! I came here with a friend," Jeno said, looking around for him.

"Who?" Mark asked, curious.

"Renjun," Jeno said, pulling out his phone. "Hold on, let me call him."

"Renjun?" Mark said with a gasp. "He's here?!"

Jeno nodded, lifting the phone to his ear. She turned towards Mark, talking about random things as they waited for Jeno to find Renjun. They didn't seem to notice Jeno walking towards his friend, Renjun.

"Is that Mark?!" He asked, squinting at the two figures.

"Yeah! He wants to see you again," He said, pulling Renjun along.

"Wait!" Renjun said, stopping him. "I can't go right now. I need to go to the hospital. It's an emergency."

Jeno turned towards him with a worried look. "Is auntie okay?"

Renjun looked down. "I don't know... The doctors said she was looking for me, so I have to check on her. I'll meet you back at your house."

Jeno nodded, giving him a reassuring hug. Renjun stared at the girl standing next to Mark, squinting. She looked familiar to him. He shrugged it off, thinking it was because she's Jeno's twin. He shook his head, waving to Jeno as he walked off.

"What happened?" Mark asked in confusion. She glanced at Renjun's figure in the distance.

"He had to go see auntie," Jeno said, helping his sister with her bags. Mark nodded, understanding his situation.

The car ride back to their house was filled with laughter as Mark told Jeno embarrassing stories of his sister. She rolled her eyes at them, pretending to be annoyed. She couldn't help but smile as they continued to tease her. Jeno parked the car making all of them walk out and gather their things. She walked towards the door, opening it.

She smiled as soon as she stepped in. She walked around, looking for her dad. She walked towards the living room and stepped back in fright as a group of people emerge from behind the furniture, yelling. She laughed as she read the welcome home poster.

She saw many familiar faces and a few unfamiliar. She guessed that it must've been Jeno's friends since she saw Donghyuck with the group. She hugged all her friends and family, thanking them for the surprise. She got to Donghyuck and smiled wide, holding her arms out as he came for a hug. She didn't realize that her handkerchief dropped as soon as Donghyuck hugged her.

Donghyuck gave her a bone-crushing hug before saying, "How's my favorite cousin?"

"I'm great, my dear cousin," She said, laughing.

"I wasn't talking about you, dumbass," He said as a matter of fact. "I was asking about Mark."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "Seriously? You too?"

Donghyuck laughed and said, "I'm kidding!"

She punched him in the arm, rolling her eyes at him. She felt a tap on her shoulder and her eyes softened as she met her dad's eyes. She pulled him into a big hug, crying softly.

"I missed you," She said, sniffing.

Jeno smiled at them and saw a piece of cloth that laid on her floor. He walked towards it and took it before tapping his sister's shoulder. She turned around and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is this yours?" He asked, handing it to her. She gasped, feeling her pockets before nodding. As she took it, Jeno's eyes landed on the initials stitched on to it. His eyebrow raised, pulling it back.

"What's wrong?" She asked, confused.

"Why do you have my friend's handkerchief?" He asked as he examined it.

"What-" She said, confused as well. Her eyes widened as she came to a realization. "Wait! Show me a picture of him."

Jeno did as told, and she gasped. "Where is he?"

"The hospital- wait, why?" He asked.

"Which hospital?" She asked, ignoring his question. He told her, and she ran off. Jeno blinked, taken aback as she took the handkerchief from him. He turned to Mark, giving a puzzled expression. Mark shrugged at him, puzzled as well. Just as she left, a knock came from the door. Renjun came in, greeting Jeno.

"How do you know my sister?" Jeno asked, not greeting him back.

"Uh- I never met your sister," He said, confused.

"She just ran out to find you!" Jeno said, pointing out the door. "I saw your handkerchief-"

"My handkerchief?" Renjun asked, cutting him off. Jeno nodded.

"Yeah, you know the one your dad gave you," Jeno said, reminding him.

"Of course! How could I be so stupid?!" Renjun said in realization.

"Huh?" Jeno asked, confused once again.

"That explains why she looked familiar," He said, covering his mouth with his hand. "Where is she right now?"

"She went to the hospital looking for you," Jeno said, watching Renjun runoff.

"What is up with them?" He asked his group of friends. They shrugged their shoulders, watching Renjun drive off from the window.

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