VII - Madison

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I should have known Nova's smile was too good to last. After three hours of awkward hitchhiking, we finally get dropped off in Williamsburg. We make our way across town, and almost as soon as we set foot on the bridge, Nova collapses to her knees.

"Oh my gods!"

"I'm fine," she says weakly. "I shouldn't... It brings back too much..."

I offer a hand, and she shakes her head, using the barrier to haul herself up. She pretty much sprints across the bridge, and when we reach the other side her face is wet with tears, her eyes blinded by emotion.

"Where to next?" she asks, her voice cracking despite her best efforts to remain calm.

"First stop, the Lower West Side. My sister might have some ideas, or some money."

We use the change I had left to take the subway to Verona's place, and the two of us stumble through the door.

"Madison?" She runs over to me and pulls me into a tight hug, crying. "I thought you were dead!"

Nova smirks.

"I'm still around, V, but I need help."

"Who's your friend?"

"I'm Nova Harleigh," drawls Nova, leaning against the doorframe. I don't know whether she's trying to look badass and slightly threatening, but her entire persona is completely different from how she is at camp. Wearing head-to-toe black and gold jewellery, she looks like she's been pulled out of a Detroit street gang, in the best way.

"Okay, come have some brownies. Both of you look exhausted and skinny."

That's Verona's only flaw. She tries to force feed me carbohydrates to the point where I end up extremely overweight when I stay with her.

The three of us sit around the table as I explain our situation, trying to skate over the supernatural stuff to the best of my abilities.

"So let me get this straight. You're part of a cult?"

"It's not a cult!"

"It sounds like a cult."


"It's not a cult," Nova interjects. "It's a pace for special kids." She clenches her fist and light spills out between her fingers. "Madison here isn't as in tune with her talents. We need to retrieve some stuff one of the other kids lost. Madison said you could help us. Besides, I'm sure we can set up a compromise."

Verona inhales shakily. "Like what?"

Nova smiles, a smile that could cut glass. "Protection, for one. I know for a fact this building is raided a hell of a lot by a group of locals lead by one of my best friends. I can get them to leave this place entirely, for a price."

I mouth across the table. Wait, what?

When she sees Verona it's looking, she mouths back. Shut up.

Verona forces a smile onto her face. I really wish Nova hadn't tried this approach first, before anything else. Maybe I should be worried about her.

"Let me make a few calls. Where are you going?"

"Nevada," says Nova.

Verona leaves, her hands shaking, and when the door closes, I start whisper-shouting.

"What the hell was that for?"

"I didn't trust our odds," she says sharply. "Your sister thought you were in a cult, I bailed us out. A thank you would be nice."

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