XVI - Madison

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Nova's sharp intake of breath tells me everything I need to know. We're screwed.

We exchange a look.

"Hello, Madison."

"Can you just kill us already?" Nova drawls. I've noticed her accent becomes more pronounced when she's scared and acting terrifyingly confident to try to hide it.

He shakes his head, frowning, checking behind him. "I don't see anyone here. And there definitely isn't a boat coming that'll get you out of here and into the Labyrinth."

"Of course there wouldn't be," I smile. "We're not even here."

The boat that arrives is small, rickety and piloted by a skeleton. Nova alights gently, gracefully, and I clamber in trying not to tip it.

Nova takes my hand as it sets off, and I smile to myself. Maybe I should be bitter that I didn't have a dad growing up, but the fact that he violated such a major rule for me if kind of enough.

"Can you navigate the Labyrinth?"

"God no," says Nova. "We're going to take the first way out we can find and go across country. No Rachel, no labyrinth."

"Does it have to be her?"

"Someone with entirely clear sight. The only other people I've heard of are May Castellan, who I'm pretty sure is cursed, and Estelle Jackson, who's like five."

"Okay, do you have a phone?"

"I have not carried a phone with me this entire time. We could try Iris-message, but it's not a good idea. Just get to the surface is my only plan."

"Not a daughter of Athena, then?"

"Clearly not," I hear Nova chuckle. "I've never been one for planning."

We step onto the other bank, and Nico reappears beside us, swaying a little on his feet. I give him an arm to lean on. Nova walks toward the wall, and a capital delta symbol glows when she touches it.

The Nico and I run forward, and the three of us collapse into the caverns of the Labyrinth. Nova clenches her fist, light spilling out of it, showing the way.

"How are you so good at this?" Nico asks. "Since I've known you you've barely used your powers. How can you-"

Nova shrugs. "I guess it's flipping the switch. I've been rejecting it for too long. I'm still a little on edge with it, but I guess it just reacts to whatever I think."

Nico purses his lips, but doesn't say anything. I step ahead, Nova lighting the way from behind. The shadows flicker against the carvings in the walls, and I desperately want to get out here. Maybe I am at home in the darkness, but something is telling me this place is somewhere I never want to be.

Nova and Nico talk in rushed whispers, and something leads me to think maybe there's something going on. They seem so much closer than Nova and I are.

Shut up, says the voice in my head. She went to hell and back for you.

It's right. Have faith, Madison.

"Watch out!" yells Nova, yanking me back. The end of the path has fallen, blackened, and crumbles away a little more even as we watch.

"Thanks," I smile. "Where are we?"

"No idea," she says. "But I think I might see a way out."

The other side of this five-meter abyss is a stone staircase, going up. Hopefully it dumps us somewhere nice. Leaving us only with the main issue of how we're going to jump that. I don't doubt camp training means Nova and Nico would be able to do it, but I know I can't.

"Sleep here?" I ask. "Hopefully in the morning we'll have an idea."

"I'll take first watch," says Nova.


Madison and Nico sleep almost instantly. He's exhausted, and she's trying to deal with being alive again. I've been incredibly selfish. I need to talk more to her, but I've been enjoying feeling important. Even if it means being chief flashlight.

A few hours pass. It feels like the darkness is closing in after a while, despite the light. Footsteps echo in the distance.

"Who's there?" I ask, pulling myself to my feet. "I'm armed!"

"Sure you are..."

"Go to hell!" I brandish my knife. "Stay away..."

"You're scared, daughter of Apollo?"

"You've had your fun with us." Tears start falling down my face, my voice dropping to a barely audible whisper. "Not again. Please."

"Have you told Madison of her gift?"

"The wish? No."


"I have no reason to tell you." My jaw sets. "If you're going to kill me, I'd rather jump. If balance is needed for saving her, I'll die."

"I was simply checking up on you. Sweet dreams, Nova Harleigh."

Nico stirs. "What was that?"

"A demon of mine."

"What happened to you two?"

"I'm surprised you don't know. We got burned by the same bitch you did. It's a family curse, apparently. Just this time it killed Madison. What is it with you Underworld people that you attract so much shit?"


"Oh indeed." I try to steady my voice. "It's haunting me. I've made my confession, what else is there?"



"The satisfaction of seeing you break."

"What? I did. I..."

"Not enough," he says softly. "You needed to give more of a show. So you're going to get pushed and pushed and pushed, and every secret flayed out of you by broken fingernails until you snap."

"I won't." I set my jaw. "I'm Nova Harleigh. Nobody tells me when I'm allowed to feel something."

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