VI. | Circle of Life

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Death is the price we pay for life.

Every one of us is given a finite time on this planet, no more and no less.

All our religions and beliefs aside, we cannot know for sure that there's anything after we die.

We don't even know how much life we have left-it could be a few moments, it could be decades.

Death is a reminder not to take what we do know we have for granted.

It's the thing that makes life so precious-our brief moment in the sunlight before it fades again.

We cannot buy more life.

We cannot cheat death.

All we can do is take each day, each hour, each breath as it comes, and appreciate that we have made it a little longer on this beautiful, chaotic, disastrously wonderful planet we call home.

And from death comes more life.

That fox fed countless other animals during the hard, cold winter, giving them the strength they needed to live another day, and in the spring its remains will continue to feed fungi, bacteria, plants.

Eventually every bit of its body will return to the cycles that created it in the first place; all the food it had collected in its own body in the form of muscles and fur, skin and bones, will be returned, as it was only borrowed.

So do we all only borrow our bodies from the rest of the world for a little while.

All this makes me more grateful to be alive.


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