Genin takedown! All ten rookies face off!

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Team 7 stand before their sensei.
"I see you have came Sakura." Kakashi breaks the silence.

"Now you can formally register for the exams."Team 7 gave off looks of confusion.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks.

"You see only groups of three can take part of the chunin exams. If you hadn't come Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't have been able to take the exams." Kakashi explains.

"Wait if that's the case couldn't y/n had filled my place on the team if I hadn't come?" Sakura asks.

".... No she could not. Y/n won't be part of the team 7 for these exams."

"Why not Kakashi sensei! Y/n's a part of our team shouldn't she be taking them with us!?" Naruto asks. Kakashi sighs.

"Due to lord Hokage's orders she will be taking them alone no team nothing just her and p/n." Kakashi said. Y/n stayed silent.

"What's his reason for that? Is it because we're a four man squad?"Sakura asks.

"Well... that's one reason but Y/n is a special case. The hokage has more in store for y/n during the exams than the rest of you but she'll be fine." Kakashi assures.

"Yeah I'll be fine." Y/n said.

"Well aside from that topic... Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Y/n. I'm glad you all came. Your a team I can be proud of. Now then, go on!" Kakashi moves aside to let them through.

Team 7 head inside. Y/n stops before entering.
"Hey sensei?"


"Thanks for saying I'm your favorite student." Y/n smiles at Kakashi's reaction before heading inside herself.

'Who told her!?' Kakashi blushes slightly.

Y/n finally enters the room. The atmosphere was tense. She could felt the stares of the ninja of other villages glaring daggers at her and her team.

"It's rude to stare." Y/n breaks the silence giving the other ninja a dark look. They flinch and turn away.

She turns to her team only to have her eyes covered.
"Guess who." She could tell it was Ino.

"It's either Ino or the cold clammy hands of death."

"It's me!" Ino said ignoring the last part.


"Hey Ino-pig get your dirty hands of her!" Sakura shouts.

"Ugh they let a big forehead like you join these exams! Still got those frown lines I see!" Ino taunts.

"Leave my forehead out of this!" Ino makes a face at Sakura to further provoke her.

"Oh it's you guys I knew this exam was going to be a drag ,but I didn't know it was going to be this lame." Shikamaru said walking up with Choji close behind.

"So all three stooges are here too." Naruto said teasingly.

"Hey you know what pipsqueak ah forget it your not worth my time." Shikamaru said irritated.

Shikamaru Nara: I may have not known him for very long but I can tell he's lazy by the looks of it. He may be smart but just not motivated can't blame him though.

Choji Akimichi: I didn't know him that well either but I can tell he has a big heart for other people. Other than that I know he likes food I mean who doesn't. Maybe he'll be willing to share his chips with me.

Ino Yamanaka: *Sigh* She's like another Sakura. Typically she's a nice girl unless you tick her off.

"Well well it looks like the whole gang is back together." A new voice said. It was Kiba and the rest of Squad 8

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