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WALKING THROUGH THE HALLWAYS OF THE SCHOOL, Troy and Y/N hold hands as they walk slightly behind Taylor and Chad.

"We could go to the movies, download music, oh and I'm definitely teaching you a twisted flip on a skateboard." Troy was saying.

"Oh I have first aid training so I can patch myself up afterwards." Y/N remarks with a smile.

"Alright." Troy says excited causing Y/N to laugh.

Exiting out of the school, the couple feels the warm Albuquerque air kissing their skin. Y/N kisses Troy's cheek as she sees her mom's car in front of the school.

"Bye, babe."

"Bye, sweetheart." Troy calls after her causing her cheeks to flush red. He started to call her that on their two-month anniversary. They went to the movies and Y/N bought sweetheart candies. She ate so much of them that Troy believed she loved them more then she loved him. When she asked him why he calls her that, he told her she is like his own candy. She's too sweet for her own good and like whenever Y/N sees sweetheart candies, he lights up anytime he sees her.


Following Coach Bolton back into Troy's house, Troy, Chad, Zeke and Jason were covered in sweat from their scrimmage match.

"I'll tell you what," Coach starts as he hands each boy a glass of milk. "I'm seeing moves I better see next season. Keeping it coming guys."

The boys cheer as they down their milk before refilling their glasses.

"So boys, how's the job hunting going?"

"The big zero." Zeke remarks.

Hearing his phone ring from beside him, Troy jumps off the counter he was sitting on.

"Uh-oh, girlfriend alert." Chad remarks as Troy answers his phone.

"Talk to me."

"This is Thomas Fulton, the general manager of the Lava Springs country club here in Albuquerque." A man introduces himself. "I understand you've been looking for work?"

"Hey, Troy! Does Y/N still remember your name or did she find someone new to karaoke with this summer?" His dad and friends laugh while Troy motions them to be quiet.

"That sounds fantastic Mr. Fulton. Um, but how'd you get my name?"

"We've always had a student summer work program here at Lava Springs. So, are you ready?"

"Here's the thing. I know the most amazing girl- I mean student." Troy corrects himself. "Straight A's, quintuple straight A's and it would be so amazingly perfect...." Troy walks into his living room as Mr. Fulton answers.

"He's really working on someone." Chad notices, overhearing Troy's conversation.

"Could be Y/N." Coach remarks. "Whenever she calls, he just blushes." His teammates smile and start to laugh. "I never said that." Coach warns just as Troy runs back into the kitchen, happy.


His dad and friends look at him confused. "What's up dog?"

"Nothing, nothing."

They look at him suspiciously.

High School Musical 2: Troy Bolton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now