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LATER THAT DAY, Sharpay walks into the country club's dance studio. She finds Kelsey and Ryan standing next to piano talking.

"Oh, hey." Ryan greets his sister. "Kelsi's got some great new ideas to spice up the talent show. It's got..."

"I'm thrilled." Sharpay cuts him off curtly, before turning to face Kelsey. "That new duet that Troy and Y/N sang? I need it."

"Actually, it's not available." Kelsey states, hiding the sheet of music from Sharpay's eyes.


"Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Y/N, just in case they decide to..." Kelsey tries to explains but was cut off.

"You're an employee, not a fairy godmother. Let's have it." Sharpay rips the piece of music out of Kelsey's hands, her eyes skimming the paper greedily. "Transpose it into my key. Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show. Oh, and brighten up the tempo. We'll need to keep people awake."

"What about our song?" Ryan exclaims in disbelief as Sharpay turns to look at him. "What about Humu Humu?"

"Change in plans." Sharpay shrugs, nonchalantly.

"What am I supposed to do with my Tiki Warrior outfit?"

"Save it for Halloween, go to a luau, sell it online. I don't know!" Sharpay snaps. "But in the meantime, keep an eye on those Wildcats. If they're planning in being in the show, which I doubt, once they hear about Troy and me, I don't want any surprises." Sharpay pouts mockingly at her brother when she sees his disheartening expression. "Oh, and don't worry, I'll find a song for you somewhere in the show. Or the next show."

"Really?" Ryan asks, "Don't strain yourself, slick."

"Entertainers are so temperamental." Sharpay scoffs to Kelsey as her brother leaves the room, "Transpose!"

As Sharpay leaves the room, Kelsey holds her head in her hands groaning.

After her shift, Y/N walks around the club looking for her boyfriend. She was determined to figure out what was going on with Troy. She finally ventures outside to the basketball courts, spotting Troy shooting baskets in a RedHawks jacket.

"Look at you." Y/N exclaims with a smile, Troy turning to face his girlfriend. "Go, team."

"Yeah. It's a gift from the guys." Troy replies spinning in a circle, Y/N taking in how the jacket seemed to fit him perfectly.

"The "guys'? Oh, you mean all those tall people?" Y/N questions grabbing the ball from Troy's hands, shooting a basket as Troy answers her.

"Yeah. Yeah. Hey, look. I got to go in a minute, but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck and we'll go to a movie. I promise."

"Promise is a really big word, Troy." Y/N answers, tossing the ball back to him, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah. I know." Troy replies, shrugging. He goes to shoot the ball but stops at Y/N's next words.

"And we've got the staff baseball game after work. Remember, you "promised" that you'd play?"

"Right. Right. Baseball. I will absolutely meet you there." Troy nods.

High School Musical 2: Troy Bolton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now