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"Oh, next time I see Country Club Princess," Chad says seething. "I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake."

Troy pats his best friend on his shoulder. "I'll build the ramp, buddy."

Fulton walks in and looks a girly at the sight before him.

"Danforth, this is a kitchen, not a day spa." He spits, tossing Chad two aprons. "You and Jason suit up for dinner duty in the dining room. Bolton, you have five minutes to change and come with me." Fulton tosses a suit, shirt and pants at Troy. Pulling a blue tie out of his suit pocket, Fulton drapes it around Troy's neck. "In case you're not familiar with this particular item, it goes around your neck, like a dog collar. Chop-chop."

Troy looks at his friends confused. He shrugs helplessly before walking towards the bathroom.


Troy fixes the cuff of his suit jacket as he walks into the Lava Springs dining hall. He approaches a table located dead center in the middle of room with the Evans and two people, a man and a woman, seated.

"And she stepped on the ball." Mr. Evans was explaining to their guests.

"I did not." Mrs. Evans denies, shaking her finger playfully at her husband.

"Yes, you did."

"I can believe that." The man comments with a chuckle.

"Hey!" Mr. Evans shouts seeing Troy walking towards their table, unsure. "Here's our superstar. Troy Bolton, this is Peter."

"Peter." Troy replies, looking at said man. "Good to meet you."

"How are you?"

"This is Claire." Troy waves at the woman, her greeting him back.


"And you know the family."

"Hello." Mrs. Evans smiles politely.

"This kid's pretty handy on the fairways as well as the hard court." Mr. Evans comments as Troy stands next to him awkwardly.

"Bet you worked up yourself an appetite lugging those bags all over the place, huh?" Peter asks causing Troy to shrug sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah. A little bit."

"What do you say we get some food, and we can talk about your future."

"My future?" Troy asks stunned.

"Yeah, sit down."

"Have a seat."

Troy looks around the table, before sitting down in the only available seat which was next to Sharpay.

"Daddy's on the board of directors at the University of Albuquerque." Sharpay whispers to Troy, moving her chair closer to his.

High School Musical 2: Troy Bolton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now