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"I'M HOPING CHEF MICHAEL'S GONNA TEACH ME THE art of Austrian flake pastry." Zeke tells Troy and Chad, with the former in a chef's uniform and the latters in waiter uniforms. "And Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day. How much better can summer get? Right? Right?"

"A real dream come true." Chad says sarcastically.

"If you actually get to know her, I mean she's..."

"Dude." Troy buts in, shaking his head. "Hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned this place. Mr Fulton just said, you know, there's Wildcat fans at Lava Springs and jobs are available. So, I said let's go for it."

"Inspiring, Mr Bolton. Truly inspiring." Fulton comments from behind Troy, causing him to turn around with a smile. "However, what we're looking for from all of you, is not inspiration, but perspiration." Troy nods as he wipes the spit that landed on his face. "Confirming assignments. Bolton, Danforth, waiters. And, when needed, caddies." Fulton tosses each boy an apron.


"Miss McKessie," Fulton says walking up to Taylor. "I'm told that you're efficient."


"Prove it. You'll handle member activities. Keep me in sight at all times." He states, handing her a clipboard. Before spotting Kelsi eating.

"Kelsi, piano. Lunchtime and cocktail hour. That means mood music, not new music. Capisce?" He asks causing her to nod. He them moves onto his next target. Martha.

"Martha, chopping, cutting, preparing plates. Do complete the summer with the equal amount of digit I assume you currently possess." Martha looks between Fulton and her hands stunned. Grabbing a chef's hat that was on the counter, Fulton turns looking for the basketball player who loves to cook. Zeke was right behind him, ready to start.

"Oh, Zeke, you will assist Chef Michael in the..."

"The promised land." Zeke finishes with a wide smile on his face.

"You hold on to that."

Chad steps infront of him, causing Fulton to stop. "Mr Fulton, Your Excellency, sir, would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?"

"Please, none of you will be waiting on Sharpay."

"Oh, yes. Snap." Chad sighs in relief but stops at Fulton's next words.

"You will be serving Miss Evans."

"Who's that?" Jason asks, his job being washing plates.

"Always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss. Let's practise."

"Do we have to?" Taylor whispers to her boyfriends, looking disgusted.

"Shall we? "Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?"" Fulton asks Jason, causing him to look confused.

"Actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason."

The wildcats groan at Jason's stupidity well Fulton doesn't look impressed. Y/N walks into the kitchen, not noticing Fulton, but transfixed on the wonderful aromas wafting throughout the kitchen. She doesn't notice her boyfriend or friends trying to warn her.

High School Musical 2: Troy Bolton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now