Our Morning

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By Brittney Dennis

Waking up is always the best part of my morning, just because he was near. He sleeps beside me every night now. It's the most peaceful kind of sleep. From the moment I first start to wake, my senses breathe him in. His scent, his own personal musk, a mix of pinion pine, the outdoors, and sunshine. I breathe in, deeply. As I exhale, I wake enough my senses open more. I feel the sensation of his skin on mine, our naked bodies intertwined. 

On instinct, I cuddle to him closer. As my soft curves press into his hard angles, I feel the intake of his own breath. He begins to wake with me. My hands reach for him, touching, stroking. My fingers gently graze up his spine, up to his neck where my hand lingers. He exhales, and my hands travel to his chest, down his belly, lower still. As I cup his full length, I feel him respond. His warm lips press into mine. His arms embrace me, holding me closer still. He gently tucks me beneath him as he rolls me under.

My arms circle his waist as our kiss deepens. He could have taken me then if he wanted, my entire body, receptive. Instead, he softly whispers in my ear, "I had a dream of my character."

I open my eyes, taking in his ruggedly handsome features. I am a writer too. I understand how important it is to hang on to your dreams. They make the most inspirational stories.

"Tell me more."

"I think she's softening up to him."

My lover has been writing his own romance story. His male character, a soft romantic at heart, but the woman....she was a bit harder from life, and tended to keep people at a distance.

"Really?" My interests perk.

We both turn to one another, propping our heads on our elbows. I never told him, but I think it's so cute that we both do that together.

"He's thinking about proposing."

"She has no idea, does she?"

"I think she knows." His eyes have a little bit of longing as he tells me so.

"Do you think she wants to know?"

He looks thoughtful, his eyelids half-closed.

"A part of her has already accepted him. She just doesn't know where to go."

"Where do you think she wants to go?"

"Back to her job, her solitude, the one place where no one can hurt her."

"And the one place where she doesn't have to feel."

"Yes...." he says, staring at me. "But this time, I believe the both of them know they have something precious and worth holding onto."

"How do you think he will propose?"

"He's not for certain yet."

"Is he certain for her feelings?"

He tenderly brushes a lock of hair from my face. "I believe so."

"How do you think he won her over?"

"Little by little."

"Do you think the battle for her heart is over?"

He looked deep into my soul, his eyes so sincere. "It's never over, but it doesn't have to be a battle. He sees it much more, as an honor, to love her, cherish her, and mend her heart and soul."

"Can another person heal someone?"

"Can the rain and sunshine nourish another?"

"We all have the choice to accept it or not."

Pink Dandelion Quarterly_Fall 2020Where stories live. Discover now