1x2. Legends

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"Oh my god, that was.... amazing!" Luke says, sitting next to her. Alex and Reggie lean on the piano. "You said you didn't play!" Luke looks at Alex, and raises a brow. "Sorry." Alex says smiling. "Yeah, thanks, my mom wrote it." Luke smiles. "Plus, I got kicked out of my school's music program." They pop out when they hear Flynn. "I cannot believe you got kicked out of the music program, next thing you know, we'll only be liking each other's Instagram posts!" Julie laughs stopping her best friend's plea for help. "Flynn! I played, I got up this morning, and realized that this is what I should be doing." She smiles as Flynn drags her out, ranting about how she's gonna get Julie back in the program, waving to the boys on the way out. The boys then try to figure out what happened to them, more importantly their families. "Awe man, my house got turned into a bike shop?!" Reggie asks. His friends try and cheer him up with the power of music though.  "Come on, Reginald
One, two, three, four
Can you, can you hear me (yup)
Loud and clear?
Gotta get, gotta get ready
'Cause it's been years
Oh, this band is back
Oh, this band is back
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Can you (yes, we can)
Can you hear me
Loud and clear?
We gotta get, wanna get, we gotta get ready
'Cause it's been years, hey
Oh, this band is back
Oh, this band is back
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, wee, ooh" Then Luke pops out. "I'm sorry Julie, but your spots already been filled." The music teacher says. "Oh c'mon let her in!" Luke says behind Julie. "I'm sorry girls." The teacher says with a genuine smile. After the school day, Julie heads to the kitchen to make a late night snack, to find Luke staring around the fridge. "Do ghost even eat?" Luke laughs. "No Julie, any way I was thinking about what Miss Whatshername said earlier, and when Sunset Curve wanted to play, we played, hell we even played bookclubs, didn't pay, but the food was great." Julie smirks. "Legends aren't one to just sit down when they're told no, Julie, they get all up in their grill, and stick it to the man!" Julie chuckles. "That is the most 90s thing you've said since we've met." He shrugs, hopping up on the counter. "My point is, is if you want something, you gotta take it!" She laughs. "How do you suggest I do that?" He hops off the counter. "With this, it's a song Sunset Curve never got to play, it's called Bright." They then rehearse the song for the big "music ambush." She then falls asleep in the garage, so Luke drapes a blanket over her.  The next morning at school. "Ok, Flynn I'm nervous!" Julie says walking in the empty music room, as Flynn fiddles with a trombone. "Flynn!" Julie shouts over the sound. "Huh? Oh right the music ambush thing?" Julie nods. "You got this! Luke says in Julie's ear. "JULIE,  focus geez." She says putting her trombone away. "Right, sorry." She says, reluctant to ignore her new song writing partner. "You ready?" Flynn asks." Julie nods, looking around for Luke. "Is she coming?" Reggie asks. Luke turns him around right as Julie and Flynn enter. "Oh, gotcha!" Reggie smirks and Alex playfully hits him.  "You ok, you look really nervous, like yack in a bucket nervous." Alex says, and Luke stops him from going full on detective. "I don't think I can do this." Julie admits to him. "C'mon Julie, I wouldn't of given you the song if I didn't think you could kill it!" She shakes her head smiling. "There's a piano right there with your name on it!" Reggie points out. "Thanks Reg ...." They all sigh, noticing people leaving the gym, signifying the end of the pep assembly. "Yeah go Julie!" Flynn says, cheering her on, oblivious to Julie's conversations with her ghost friends. With that she goes on stage, Luke following her. "You got this!" She nods and starts playing, as Luke watches from the wings. "Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm calling out
For one more try to feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark. Life is a risk, but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let's run
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever" Then the boys pop on stage. "Is this really happening right now?" Julie asks going over to Luke. "Just go with it. In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed somе help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
I feel somеthing around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on
Life is a risk, but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let's run
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
And rise (rise) through the night (throught the night), you and I (you and I)
We will fight to shine together (we will shine together) bright forever (bright forever)
And rise (rise) through the night (throught the night), you and I (you and I)
We will fight to shine together (we will shine together), bright forever!" Then they bow, as the ghostly rockers, turn invisible again.

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